61. Grim Reaper II

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Part 2 of Grim Reaper

The quote was from Golf With Drunks 🌚


"He sung Ashes Remain to me," Mark told Tyler the next morning after the Reaper called him while Ethan was still asleep.

His eyelids were practically stuck together he could barely make out the male on the screen he could only make out blurred figures however form what he could see his two best friends lying his own bed.

"Another thing Tyler if you and Ethan have been having sex on my bed I will take away your Netflix."

Tyler's eyes widened, not by him accusing him of having physical activity with Ethan but about the threat of Mark taking away his Netflix.

"I won't do anything on your bed I promise!" He yelped, "But let's go back to the subject of Jack singing to you."

Mark rolled his eyes, "I can't believe you're that into my job that you FaceTime me at five in the morning when you know I have to go to that shitty school in three hours."

The Reaper on the other end of the phone smirked slightly and raised his eyebrows.

"You're just jealous that nobody has ever sung you to sleep not including your mum," Mark teased.

"That's obviously true I've had someone moan my name to help me get to sleep though," Tyler stuck his tongue out.

"I CANNOT UNSEE WHAT IMAGES YOU HAVE JUST GIVEN ME!" Mark yelled not caring if he woke Ethan up.

Ethan's eyelids fluttered open by the sound of Mark's yelling and he pounced onto Tyler's back seeing the Reaper through the screen.

"You look so bad," Ethan informed him smirking.

He wasn't exactly lying Mark won't be described as attractive by human society yet hardly anyone was attractive occurring to society.

His hair was plastered to the side of his face, his lips was puffy and sleep was laced in his eyes which was the cause of his eyelids being glued together.

"Mark was just telling me that he got his target to sing him to sleep," Tyler informed Ethan. The male almost broke the screen from fangirling, "I SHIP IT!"

"It's hard to remember I'm judging if he lives or dies, from what I've seen he has done nothing wrong."

Ethan bit his lip and Tyler shot him a look of sympathy.

"Ethan could you leave the room for just a second?" Tyler asked in all seriousness. Ethan didn't ask questions he simply nodded and left Mark's room.

"How are you holding up? Mark I've known you for years and I may not remember everything from the years we've spent together but I've seen you broken before and I don't recall ever seeing you cry but I'm certain I have and I just want to make sure you're okay."

"I mean this, I'm okay trust me."

Tyler who got the double meaning attempted to air hug Mark through the screen.

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