100. Cut my hair

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Prinxiety (look it's not Klance for once, are you proud of me?)

Small panic attack other than that should be cute

This is like one of my favourite HCs my friend will vouch for me on this


Often I am upset
That I cannot fall in love
But I guess
This avoids the stress of falling out of it.(cut my hair)

"Fucking finally," The anxious trait mumbled, running his fingers through his now shorter hair, he let out a lopsided smile as he looked at his reflection and this is the first time he's ever smiled at himself. He finally felt like himself and he was true to himself. On the floor around him lay piles of his hair, he'd shredded out of his old body. He felt tears form in his eyes out of happiness, he could express himself.

Are you tired of me yet?
I'm a little sick right now but I swear
When I'm ready I will fly us out of here.

"Viola!" A male voice yelled and the prince-like trait appeared in the corridor, smiling lovingly as he took in his girlfriend but something was off and the anxious trait had been acting strange lately and was distancing herself from the creative trait, honestly it was worrying Roman. The only thing Roman would think to do was confront her. Viola turned to face Roman, her beautiful, long purple hair shaping her face perfectly and all Roman wanted to do was pull her close and kiss her all over but he didn't. "What's up Princey?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at him. "You've just been acting different lately Princess and it's worrying me," The creative trait spoke with concern laced in his voice. Viola turned her back on him, "It's nothing Roman, don't worry yourself with it..." She mumbled, messing with the cuffs of her hoodie. Roman didn't want to let it go but he knew better than push his girlfriend because he knew if he did that she would have a panic attack and he didn't want to be the cause of that.

I'll cut my hair
Strangely he feels at home in this.

Viola was looking at herself in the mirror and she frowned, wanting to punch the reflection, that wasn't her and she'd known it for years however being a negative trait she had been treated like shit for practically her entire life and now she had a loving boyfriend, Roman, a caring father figure, Patton, and a trait she would consider a friend, Logan. She didn't want to lose that. Saying the truth out loud had caused her so much pain before in the past. Without warning she broke down, dropping to the floor in front of the mirror, her knees curled up in front of her face. Her breathing was ragged and she felt her chest tightened, it felt impossible to breath normally. She was crying but she wasn't registering the tears falling down her face at a rapid speed or the noise she was making with her heartbreaking sobs.

Roman, her prince, must have heard the sobs as he came running to save his princess. "Viola!" He exclaimed, dropping down beside her and trying to speak to her however Viola wasn't reacting and instead she just grabbed Roman and hid her face in his chest, he gently made gently soothing circles on her back attempting to calm her down, "My Princess you have to tell me what's wrong... you can't keep hiding this from me." Viola was shaking, barely able to speak, Viola, Princess, girlfriend those words just kept echoing in her brain and she couldn't handle it anymore. "P-Please don't call me that..." She whimpered, her grip on Roman's chest tightened. Roman raised an eyebrow out of confusion and he gently kissed the top of her forehead, "What don't you want me to call you, baby?" He was worried and wanted to help his girlfriend. "D-Don't call me V-Viola..." She mumbled, she had wanted to say this out loud for so long but previously had been terrified and she knew she stood the chance of losing Roman but she had to admit it, "I'm not a girl, Roman... I understand if you want to break up with me but I've never been a girl... I've only got the body of one but I'm not... I-I..." He closed his eyes and waited for Roman to say that he wanted nothing to do with him, however that never happened. Instead the creative trait smiled lovingly, "Okay baby... well what to do you want me to call you?"


Often I am upset
That I cannot fall in love
But I guess
This avoids the stress of falling out of it.

Roman walked into the bathroom and saw the pile of hair lying on the floor, a smile forming on his lips, "You look really handsome Virgil." He smiled at his boyfriend and walked over, wrapping his arms around Virgil's waist. He then coated Virgil's face in kisses, there was so much love in his eyes as he looked down at his boyfriend. "I'm so proud of you," He kept Virgil held close to him. The shorter trait giggled softly, "I'm guessing you like it then." The prince-like trait dipped his boyfriend and smiled, "I love it."

Are you tired of me yet?
I'm a little sick right now but I swear
When I'm ready I will fly us out of here.

"And I love you Virgil Sanders."

I'll cut my haaair
Strangely he feels at home in this place

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