67. This world or the next

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I'm gay as fuck

I lowkey wanna dye my hair rainbow but I won't be allowed to my dreams are dead



"Nate!" A brunette male ran over the humanities strongest soldier Nathan Sharp. The ebony male or Nate looked at the the man who'd approached him his stoic expression soon turned into a warm smile.

"Pest," He groaned and punched the brunette playfully. "Push off," The other male muttered. "Come on Mat," Nate smirked at the brunette whom he'd called Mat.

The male hugged Nate and pulled the key from around his neck and placed it around Nate's causing him to raise an eyebrow.

"I-I-I need you to do me a favour," Mat stuttered he seemed slightly afraid, "I need you to promise me you'll do this for me."

The man placed a kiss on his lover's cheek and nodded, "Anything."

His lover relaxed as if he'd being fearing this moment for a long time. Mat put a flesh blade into Nate's hands and curled his hands around it. He flashed a small smile.

"I want you to kill me. I'm a coward and after my fuck up and wasting precious lives they're going to kill me, I don't want my blood on anyone else's hands only yours. I want the person I love most to be the last thing I see. Kill me."

His heart broke at that moment humanities strongest looked at Mat as if he was insane. "Mat, pest I'm not going to kill you we'll figure something out," He placed a hand on his shoulder and sighed.

Mat's eyes traveled down to the flesh blade which he'd wrapped Nate's hands around. "Please. I don't want the military police to be the ones that kill me. I want my last sight to be you."

Nate kept a stoic expression on his face but his heart was breaking at every word that escaped his lovers lips. "Mat please you're being stupid," Nate wrapped his hands around the burettes.

Tears filled Mat's eyes, he kissed Nate's lips softly knowing it would be the last time he would ever feel something so soft and soothing.

The male snatched the flesh blade from the ebony-haired man. Their eyes connected for a brief moment, "Remember I'll always love you in this world or any other. We'll always find each other."

He stabbed the flesh blade into his heart piercing his heart but not killing him instantly, before Nate could react with his remaining strength he pulled the flesh blade out and lodged it into his brain.

The stoic expression left the older males face and was replaced by pain. Tears swelled in his eyes, Nate kissed the top of Mat's head or what he could. He held his lovers hand and sighed, "Life without you isn't worth living."

A gun which had been dropped by a villager who had been hunting to find food lay to the left of Nate. With his free hand he grabbed it and aimed at his head.

"This is going to be messy," he commented putting one finger on the trigger. His eyes darted over the Mat's body he gripped his lifeless hand tighter. "I'll be with you soon."

Nate pulled back the trigger and was plunged into darkness regretting nothing about killing himself.

The only thing we're allowed to do is believe we won't regret the choices we've made...

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