96. Dear Keith

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Klance (I'm not even sorry anymore)
Lil bit of Sheith

Ehhh I think we're good

This could be considered part II to Lance McClain if you wanna see it that way
Also if I write another Klance oneshot feel free to hit me
This was low-key inspired by Dirty Landry


Dear Keith Kogane

This is really fucking cliché and honestly I got this idea based off of a fanfic I read on Earth... I can't exactly remember the name of it.

I'd rather write this all down then try to talk to you in person about it because I know if I went to then I'd stop myself and make it out as joke but the truth is Keith that the flirting isn't a joke... It's genuine and if you couldn't figure it out from that then I'll write it out: I have a massive crush on you, I have since the Garrison although I hid it behind this stupid rivalry because I was terrified of my own emotions and how you'd react to them. Growing closer to you hasn't made this fear go away in fact it's only heightened it however I got over my fear of talking about my feelings and went to Pidge and confessed more than just my feelings for you.. But everything including this stupid happy-go-lucky act I keep going cause I'm scared of anyone getting in and seeing my true emotions because I'm scared of caring so much about someone then losing them... Then I fell for you.

Pidge was helpful and told me that I should just tell you how I felt because there's a chance you'll return my crush and frankly it'll just feel better if I tell you. Honestly I'm more terrified of you reading this letter, rejecting me and then things between us grow awkward because you're more than just my rival you're also my best friend and right-hand man.

Keith you mean everything to me and I even find your stupid mullet cute. Saying I love you might be too far as we are still young and you may reject this letter but I want to let you know how I feel and how much you mean to me. This is all I can write as my hand is now shaking too much.

So to tie it all up I'm going to use something from that fanfic I remember reading:

Go on a date with me?



Sincerely me (Lance McClain)

He put down the pen he'd been writing the letter with, his hands shaking and he sighed placing the piece of paper in an envelope and writing Keith's name on it. The blue paladin made his way around the crumpled up balls of paper scattered across his room (he'd written the letter way more times than he was willing to admit).

Lance knew exactly where he would be able to find Keith, the training deck because that boy did nothing but train, so he headed out the plan in his head to chuck the letter at Keith then to hide out in his room dying of embarrassment. However when he reached the training deck he was greeted with a sight he never expected to see ever in his life:
Shiro had his arms wrapped around Keith's waist and the two were kissing rather passionately. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," Shiro mumbled against Keith's lips.

Lance quickly exited the training deck knowing now that he couldn't confess... How could he? With tears in his eyes he tore up the letter watching the shreds of paper flutter onto the ground, he kept ripping until nothing remained. His heart lying pathetically on the floor, completely broken.

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