92. What did you do to me?

369 13 10

Klance (I may have gotten super into Voltron lately so I apologise and swear to get back to writing your regularly scheduled Septiplier and Natepat soon)

So I can't sleep therefore decided to write... be grateful to mama author also fun challenge find the hidden meaning behind this oneshot

356 (short and not really the best but I tried)


Keith was staring up at the ceiling and let out deep, heavy sigh. All that filled his mind was thoughts of Lance and he couldn't think of anything or anyone else, honestly it was tearing him apart. The Latino (he's Cuban however Cuban people are also classed as Latino) paraded his thoughts. He got distracted during training and often let enemies pass him by as a result of these feelings.

He'd once been so strong and had walls that he believe no one could break down, he was closed off and wouldn't allow someone to get close enough to win his heart, however despite all his precautions and attempts to prevent it Lance had gotten in. The sharp-shooter of the team was the one who Keith had fallen for. Now however he was a victim to love and he couldn't tell anyone out of fear that they would tell Lance. Lance's reaction and rejection is what Keith feared the most, being pushed away by the person he was in love with and being forgotten. The two were already rivals yet despite that there always a flirtatious nature behind the insults, at least on Keith's side anyway.

He came to know every crack and dent in his ceiling as these thoughts and emotions haunted him night by night. He couldn't stop thinking of his rival, he feared rejection, he feared hatred, he feared... well he feared admitting his feelings. If he admitted he was in love then he was vulnerable and could be hurt easily, they could start a relation and then Lance could cut it off, or he could lead him on, or... the list of negatives went on. However the lists of positives also went through his mind on a daily basis as he watched the blue paladin train.

Was it worth risking everything?
There was only one way to find out

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