185. The wall between us

84 3 4

Danti (mostly Anti)


Imma vent lmao


Anti rested his head against the stone wall and sighed heavily. His throat had gone raw from screaming, trying to get someone to listen but did anyone respond? No they did not. He was alone behind the wall... he'd watched it been built and had done nothing he had thought the people on the other side would still listen to him however once it had been built there was nothing. He could hear the conversations on the other side and he could even see through the small glass window everyone interacting, people he loved and cared about seemingly not caring about his disappearance maybe they hadn't even realised he was gone.

He kept screaming and shouting, putting in all the effort he could and occasionally he got a shout back. A reply and even if it wasn't for long Anti was grateful to have someone to speak to. He was usually always alone and scared so having people speaking back to him was a relief and he got rid of the anxiety he had about life, despite the wall someone would speak. However the voices slowly began to silence and speak to him less and less cause he wasn't as important as everything else they could do with their time... he felt like he was losing everything and everyone. Anti would sit at on the floor his ear pressed against the wall and listen to everyone having a great time without him and feel pain rise in his chest. Was it so selfish to want someone to care? Maybe it was.

Anti eventually stopped screaming. He got sick of putting in all the effort, he was the one who always had to start a conversation or no one would speak to him, he had to probe with double sometimes even triple replies to get someone to acknowledge him... eventually he grew sick of the charade. He wanted someone else to put in as much effort as he did. He grew silent and wanted another voice to speak to him.

But there was never any response.

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