33. I'm the bad guy

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(Watch Wonder over Yonder I'm the bad guy song)

I have no idea


Don't know why but Lord Dominator makes me think of Antisepticeye/Jack. . . No idea why

I also have an obsession with this song for some reason like honestly I tried to put a link but it didn't work so just search 'I'm the bad guy' Wander over Yonder watch it and tell me if you think of Jack or Anti XD


Let me put this a way you idiots will understand.

"So you. . . don't want to date me?" Mark asked looking up at the male who had summoned him. The green haired villain slouched across his chair completely relaxed, holding the redhead in a giant fist made out of volcanism X before looking at Mark and bursting into hysterical laughter. "Oh my- That is- You think that I- With you? Oh my- that is too good! I mean it's sad for you, but. . ." He sighed at the end of his sentence before rolling his eyes, "Let me put this away you idiot will understand!" He yelled looking at the other male he held in his other hand - Felix who'd come along to assist Mark in getting Jack. He smirked and looked up at them standing up and put them down. He shook his ass smirking seductively at them.

I'm not the damsel in distress.
I'm not your boyfriend or the frightened princess.
I'm not a little bird who needs your help to fly.
Nope... I'm the bad guy.

Jack flipped over them and smirked standing a mere few feet in front of them, hands on his hips he pulled himself close to Mark, teasing him with how close their lips were before pulling away again. He leaned into the redhead gripping onto him mocking desperateness before moving away the other two followed him blindly. Felix just interested in keeping tabs on what was going on to work on his fanfic later.

All these former villains that you see,
Each of them, with shaking knees, has knelt before me.
So I'm not your teammate or your partner in crime.
What am I, boys?

Captured Villains: He's the bad guy.

He pulled back the sheet of flames hiding the villains he'd taken hostage on his mission to become the best in the galaxy and stock up on volcanism X so he could power his army. Jack smirked and flipped down onto his knees in front of one of them testing the crown of Wade on his head before throwing it away. Grinning as he heard it shatter.

The villains in their cages bowed before him trembling slightly willing to admit they'd been tricked by the Irishman into coming aboard his ship and were now his prisoners unless he decided to free them - which he wasn't planning on doing anytime soon.

Oh, it's magic
To watch a planet
Shrivel up and die.
Oh, it's thrillin'
To be a villain.
I destroy their homes and then I watch them cry.

The energetic villain moved quickly forcing Mark and Felix to follow along like lost puppies. He leaned against the window of his ship watching planet after planet being destroyed and a giant smile spread across his cheeks. He seemed way too happy at the destruction he was causing. His happiness made Mark's heart skip a beat.

(mecha voice) 'Cause I'm the bad guy!

He leaned into Mark once again making it look like he was going to kiss him and once again Mark fell for it and he pushed him to the ground using his foot as he stood on top of him his mechasuit was formed from his simple helmet.

"Why do you like this guy. . . ?" Felix asked looking at the dumb love struck expression on his 'friend's' face. Mark was also a villain and called Felix his sworn enemy however the Swedish male only wanted to help so when he discovered the redhead had fallen in love he jumped quickly to help the case.

(mecha voice) Oh, ain't it fantastic?
I see something, I blast it!
And let me tell you why.
(normal voice) I've always had a weakness
For barrenness and bleakness.
I crush all your hopes and then I watch you cry.

"Jack. . . Sorry Lord Dominator. . . Would you consider dating my friend and maybe letting him fuck you?" Felix asked trying to help. Jack snickered at the Swedish male's words and shook his head signalling no. He blasted serval of Mark's men small tiny boxes or as Mark had called them Tiny Box Tim's. They were blasted into a cage but the other villain didn't even notice.

Jack pressed a button on the panel of his control board making Mark and Felix stand right in the centre of a pit of lava. The Irish villain glided over to them without any trouble, smirking he grabbed them violently.

See, I find this business rather fun!
I don't want your assistance or your adulation!
I'll vaporize your galaxy and bid ya bye-bye!
Come on, GUESS!!

"Because you're the bad guy. . . ?" Both male's suggested their head balancing just above the lava.
"That's right," Jack smirked ready to dip them in lava before an alarm went off.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Can the Sambots not control anything?" Jack frowned and untangled Mark and Felix from their position throwing them in an empty cell, he leaned through the doorway, "Practice on your death screams. . . I like a 'no! No! No! But a 'AGHHH!' Is not without its charms," He cackled closing a flame wall behind him leaving Mark and Felix to await their fate.

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