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Hey hey hey 

I'm the writer of this here oneshot book which to my surprise has done quite well up to now.

I'd love to write some of your requests and ideas because up until chapter 27 I'd been writing my own ideas (which I'll obviously still do) but I would to love have your ideas too and rather than have you message me you can just comment here just say

Ship (Anything you desire as long as I know it)

Genre (anything including lemon *wink wonk* )

Summary (plot)

Extras (song lyrics or something)

Warnings (I guess. . .)

Just because I want to write stuff you'd all enjoy reading because I know all my fabulous readers usually have really good ideas.

I love all of you
Thank you so much for your support
I hope you carry on enjoying my writing

Natepat & Septiplier oneshots Where stories live. Discover now