If I'm on that list, you're on that list

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*what should have happened during this infamous scene*

Clarke looked at the 98 names that stretched across the page in front of her. 100 names. 100 people. It seemed like a lot when you said it aloud. But as she wrote, choosing which of her friends to kill and which of her friends to save she knew it would never be enough.

To the right of her lay a couch, and on that couch Bellamy Blake.

He was asleep. Too busy dreaming to be worried about the end of the human race.

She envied him. But she knew he was just as troubled as she was.

She looked at him. Probably longer than she should. Tracing the contours of his face with her eyes. She looked at his lips, his nose, the freckles that splayed his cheeks.

He was beautiful.

Sure he put on this facade; that he was this big, strong man, and that nothing fazed him. But she knew deep down that he was just as scared as she was.

She looked at his face, so innocent in sleep. Free from the demons that usually plagued him. She couldn't let anything hurt him.

She turned back to the page, and wrote his name down. Feeling guilt but also huge relief.

He would be safe. Even if she wasn't.

Clarke began to cry.

None of this was fair. She closed her eyes, too caught up in her own fear to hear Bellamy wake.

Bellamy Blake stood. He looked to his left at the girl who he called his best friend.

She was crying, her hand to her head as she sobbed.

He moved toward her.

He hated seeing her in pain.

He knew what those green eyes looked like when they were filled with tears and the memory broke his heart.

They had been through too much together to even say aloud.

Bellamy stood silently next to Clarke for a moment as she cried.

He knew what this was about.

The new 100.

Clarke had to decide who lived and who died and he knew it was breaking her.

She was too good.

Too kind.

He looked down and saw number 99: Bellamy Blake

He gasped silently.

He was on that list.

Clarke had written his name.

His heart raced for a minute as he tried to imagine why is the world a girl like her would save a guy like him.

He held his breath, when he noticed the absence of her name.

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