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Roman looks deeply into my eyes, as all of my friends and family watch him on the stages.

"Nikki, I don't know where I would be without you by my side. When my brother passed away, you were by my side. When I hit rock bottom you were by my side, and when my divorce got finalized you were by my side. And at the time I didn't realize what I had, until now because you could have left me, but you didn't, and that's why I love you so much. You show me a new side of life whenever I wake up next to you, you treat my kids amazing as if you were their own mom. But the funny thing I fell for you, the second we shared bottles of red wine in my hotel room, and I fell in love with you the second we kissed in that hotel room. And I knew that day, we would be together, so now I gotta ask you something. Stephanie Nicole Garcia-Colace, will you marry me?" Roman ask me.

The room waits for my answer, as I become overflow with so many emotions. Never did I thought I could be so happy while a tear or two rolls down each cheek. I look in the audience to see Brie overcome with joy, as she is standing next to Bryan at the bar. But then the mood gets dimmer as I see Randy, he waits by the door. As if he is trying to make me mad,  then I look over to the other side of the room and see Aliyah. She looks as if she she wants to kill me right now, but then again I turn back to Roman. He and everyone else wait for an answer. I stare back into his eyes, and I remember that everything is going to be okay.

I nodd my head yes." Of course, I will marry you." Roman then grabs my face as he kisses me, the crowd starts clapping and cheering, as the kiss ended. As the two of us walk down the stairs Roman whispers to me.

" You look beautiful, future Mrs. Reigns."

I kiss him one last time before going to greet everyone, we'll everyone but Aliyah and Randy.
After the party Roman and I go back to our hotel. It's already midnight and I am already intoxicated. He carries me over his shoulders, and place me on the made up bed.

I see him taking off his belt, which signal me to start taking off my dress, but he stops me. " No." He says blocking me and my dress.

" What? Why?"

" I can't have sex with you when you are drunk Nikki, but we can try again in the morning." He says, as he takes off his shirt. " but what did you wanna tell me earlier?"

At this very moment it as if I was never drunk, but only clear mind. Randy threats keep rewinding over and over again in my head. But I just wanna keep sane for one night and that what I am going to do.

" I don't know, it must not have been important."

" Are you sure?"

" Absolutely."

A/Q: Should Nikki have been direct to Roman about the threats Randy made?
( if you are not sure what I am talking about go to the last few chapters of out of the ring part 2)

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