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I am standing in the lobby waiting along with the rest of the wedding party as the snobby owner struts his tiny body along.
" Why are we delayed!" He yells obnoxiously across the room getting everyone attention. " Where's the bride? I told her to be down here. Ugh!"
I roll my eyes at him as I reassure my mom. " I'll be back, let me see how she's doing."
I adjust the straps to my dress before entering her dressing room which I see is empty. " Nikki?" I whisper trying not to make to much of sence. But there is no reply. " Nicole?" Again no answer. " Ugh!"
I walk down the hallway still calling her name but no response. " Where is she?"
I find myself walking the hallway, when finally I get a quick glance of a white gown. I question my sight for a second, but I countinue to adventure anyway. And I am glad I did when I get there I see Nikki literally sobbing as she sinks to the floor. I dive to the ground to see what's the problem is. " Nicole!" She looks up at me in relief that somebody she knows is here. " Brie?"
" Yea. What are you doing, on the ground?" I ask trying to get comfortable.
"Nothing... I just got dizzy.... I must be hungry." she attempts to get up but I pull her back down.
" What are you doing? I have to get married."
" No, Nikki, what are you doing? Just be honest with me what's going on?"
She looks at me for a few second, before more tears start to fall down her face. Good thing her make up is water proof.
" I don't want to marry,Roman." She whispers. Her statement leaves me in wonders.
" But you are already married."
" I know... I know. But I don't want to marry him in public. "
" Why?"
" Because I don't want to be embarrass if it doesn't work out. I rather get married in secret and divorce in secret."
" Divorce? Why are you already talking about divorce?"
" Because we are literally in the middle of Nancy Drew: What happen in Vegas? And if what I think happened happened I don't wanna be married no more."
I agree with her and I don't blame her for thinking like that, but right now there is like almost 1,000 people out there waiting for her to walk down the aisle. And now is not the time to playing with her feelings.
" Okay, Nikki. I agree but today does not matter. Just be in the stupid wedding. And I will talk to Daniel. But just go... people are waiting."We get up off the ground, and walk to where the rest of the wedding party is. " Found her!" I blurt out. Everyone rejoices except Nikki.

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