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I wake up with my arms around Nikki and a headache. " Ugh." I moan. I slide my arm under Nikki, so I don't wake her up. But it's too late.

" Roman?" She says with her eyes closed and back facing towards me.

" Yes, Nikki."

" Is is it morning yet?"

I look to my left to see that it is day and it's already 9. " Yes, Nikki it's morning."

She then leaps up out of know where she wraps her arms around my neck and starts going to a heavy make-out session until I gently push her off of me. " but you promised." She says .

" I know, but I wanna go downstairs and grab breakfast."

" Well, we can order room service."

" Well, you can do that. While I run to the gym."

" But, I thought you just said you were hungry?"She asks. She takes her arms off from around my neck as she starts to question me.

" I am but it's important to get a work out in, by all people you should know that."

" I know, but I just wanna spend some time with my new fiancé." She says flexing her ring in my face.

" I know baby, and I wanna spend time with you. However, even though we are happily engaged, we still got to do our jobs."

" Well, can I come to the gym with you?" she asks. " just give me a quick 20 minutes."

I can't say no, because she will know I am up to something. So I must put this on her. " Nikki is everything okay?"

" Yeah, I just wanna go to the gym with you."

" Yeah, but you have never wanted to go before. Nikki if something is wrong please just tell me."

" Roman, nothing is wrong. I just wanna go to the gym, but if you want some personal time by yourself go ahead. And I will grab breakfast with Brie."

"Okay, thank you." I then kiss her on the forehead and head out.

After leaving the room, I looking around to see if anyone is near. I just glimpse to see two kids with their dad on their way to the pool which is nothing I have the worry about.

I then walk a few doors down, then knock and wait for a response. She opens the door in her pajamas and let me in.

" Did anyone see you come?" I shake my head no. " Good,close the door behind you."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now