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After, the whole thing with Randy I am really worried about Nikki. I could see in her face, how embarrassed and heartbroken she was. So I have not let her out of my sight.

I sit outside the lady's locker room, as I wait for Nikki. Each minute that goes by, I get worried about t her. I soon see Becky and Naomi come out of the locker room, I quickly get up. " How is she?" I ask them. They look at each other with a sorrowful look.

" I heard her crying in restroom Stall?" Naomi said. I shake my head to know I am listening and to show I understand.

" And when we tried to check on her, but she wouldn't answer back." Becky says.

" I don't know what to do, it took so long to get her to this point of not feeling awful, and that just was ruined in less than 30 seconds."

" What even happened?" Becky ask

" Randy went off script, and I think she is just embarrassed."

" Well, she is the only one left in there. " Naomi says." So go in there and check on her, but Lock the door. You will be in so  much trouble if you get caught in the locker room."

" Okay."  I take there advise. I go in the locker room and quickly lock the door. Once I am I notice the locker room is unsurprisingly clean and does not smell. " Nicole?"

"Yes." I don't see her at first but once I turn around I see her behind me sitting in a foldable chair. " What are you doing, this is the women's locker room? Can you read? And why are you so obsessed with me?" She asks me in a harsh tone. I know she is just hurt and doesn't mean it, so I just let it roll off my back.

" I am obsessed with you because I love you, and I know you and your sister didn't have the best role model of a man growing up, and I wanna give that to you."

" How, would you know that? I rarely talk about my dad around you."

" Because when I talked to your dad-" I stopped immediately because I wasn't supposed to say that and realize I just add more fuel to the fire.

" You talked to my dad ?" She yells at me, as she gives me her undivided attention.

" Yes."

" Why the hell would you do that? I told you not to do that, I told you I didn't want him to walk me down the aisle, and you called me anyway. Honestly, Roman what the hell is wrong with you? You are so controlling, I tell you one thing and you do the opposite. Gosh, I wish I never met you, because of you I just got embarrassed in front of the whole world." She says stepping closer to me. " Like why couldn't you just keep it in your pants, I mean Roman you were married at the time." She yells at me, and then out of know where she starts to slap me over my biceps and face, I could feel the marks starting to form after each strike. She finally stops and looks at me. " Get out of here, I don't want you anymore you cheater!"

I shake my head yes, I then start to walk over near the door and unlock it. " I will be waiting for you in the parking lot, just come out when you are ready." I say, but she doesn't respond.

As I walk down the hallway, I find a mirror and see the damage she has achieved to my face. I then turn around, when I hear a voice. " What happened to you?" I turn around to see Dean with his suitcase rolling behind him.

" Nikki."

"Oh... Oh... This will be between you and me. But did you bang her in the locker room?"

" Yeah." I say trying to laugh it off. I lie because I don't want her to get in trouble for assault.

" Dang, Roman you're turning to Seth." He says. " Well I gotta go, Renne is waiting for me. But I heard Randy is in trouble."

" Doubt it, he got out of it last time."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now