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" That was your fault," Dean yells drunkenly across the table at me. " I said ' No, let's stop.' but you had other plans."
The whole table breaks out in laughter, forcing me to verbally tap out.
" Fine, I admit it. You were right. We should have stopped for gas-" I stop talking when I am getting a video call from Nikki. " Um... I am going to take this. Hopefully, it's nothing important. I find myself getting up from the table and going into the lonely hallway that separates the private dining to the crowded one. I answer right before the last ring.

I answer the call to see her laying down in her white sports bra and hair in a messy bun

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I answer the call to see her laying down in her white sports bra and hair in a messy bun. But I also notice she looks kinda sad.
" Hey, baby what's up? Are you okay?"
" Yea."
" Are you sure?"
" Yea. Where are you?"
" At a restaurant not too far from the house we are renting. You're staying at a hotel, right?" She does not respond making me believe that her phone froze, but it didn't because I see her breathing. " Hello, Nicole-"
" You don't have to lie, Roman. I know you are in Vegas for your party."
I didn't expect her to say that or to truly even know. We just stare at each other for a few seconds, until I get the courage to talk. " I know I am sorry. I find out the other day and didn't want to tell you. I thought it would be best if -"
" If what I didn't know? Gosh! Why is everyone keeps saying that? I am a grown woman, but most importantly I am a grown woman that you are about to marry. "
" Well, why are you assuming the worst?"
" ROMAN! You're in Vegas, not a senior living home. Things go bad there. Plus you know that if it was vice versa you would be calling me none stop, and pretty upset."
" I get that. But why can't you just trust me?"
" Trust you! I just asked a little question like where you were and you lied to my face."
" I know... I am sorry."
" If you are really sorry, cut the party short and fly back here."
It's an absurd request, but it may be the only thing I can do to calm this down.
" Fine, I will tell the guys goodbye, and fly back to Napa."
" Thank you. Text me your flight information and will pick you up. Bye." She ends the call and I make my way back to the table.
" Is everything okay?" Daniel ask.
" Yeah... And no.  We need to cut it short. Nikki found out about Vegas and wants me back tonight. I told her I would."
The whole tables look sadden except Dean who just shouts out. " Grow a pair! This is your final night of freedom, and you are going to let her ruin it? We are not cutting the night short, we are going to have fun, and you are flying back with us tomorrow. Now finish your glass, it's going to be a long night."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now