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Nikki and I are hanging out at weekends live events backstage in catering. I notice that she can't stop looking at her ring. " Hey, stop giving it attention. I thought we don't want anyone to know." I say her.
" No, you said that. But out of respect for you and your opinion. I will stop." She says back, then takes off her wedding ring and but not her engagement ring and passes it to me.
" Thank you." I say to her putting it in my pocket.
" Whatever, loser." She says joking around and then gives me a quick kiss. She then walks away towards the women's talent locker room.
After she left I bring my phone out and dial Seth's number. " Hello?"
" Hey, it's Roman." I whisper to him. " We did it last night. She has no idea."
" Good, that's the goal."
There's a moment a silence before I answer. " I have to go, but thanks for the tip."
" No problem, I just wanna sure you can trust me again."I then hang up and slide my phone back in the same pocket as the ring.
I hate sneaking around Nicole, but what she did was super shady.
Long story short, last night Nicole and I had plans to order takeout and enjoy a movie. I was about to order the food for pick up when Seth called me. At first, I was not going to answer him, but then I did. He told me that Nikki called him a few weeks ago, and asked for a sperm donation. He was actually considering it but after seeing me that day, he would have felt awful. After our conversation, I was obviously heartbroken, but I didn't feel like fighting. So I had to beat Nicole at her own game. Nicole told me that she does not want kids until she married, so now we are married and I moved my surgery to a closer date. It happens that the date is tomorrow and it sucks that it's before Wrestlemania but I am not going to be a pawn in Nicole's game for a child.

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