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I am finishing up my purchase at the gas station when I get an unexpected call from Nikki. " Hey babe, I'm in line what else do you need." But Instead of hearing a snarky response, I hear Nikki and Renne's conversation.

"Umm Renee it's hard to walk up to a man, and say I want a baby now. Especially when he just got a divorce." I hear Nikki say. I was going to hang up, but they were talking about me so I have to listen.

" Well, if you want a little baby Roman and Nikki, running around you better start now." I hear Renne says. I am remotely shocked by how open Nikki is with our sex life.

" I know it's just hard. I just don't want to get pregnant and then he feels trap. "

" And? You are the one that will carry that baby for almost a year. So tonight no birth controls or Condom. Just some hardcore sex."

After I heard the rest of the phone call, I hang up and make my way to the car. I pump the gas and get back in the car. By now Dean is already in the car, I pass Nikki her water and hit the road.

Once we make it to the hotel it just passed 11, I find the closet none handicapped parking space available. I take everyone's suitcases out of the trunk.

" Good Night." Renne says as dean and her make their way in the lobby. I grab Nikki Louis Vuitton suitcase and mine and roll it two our hotel rooms.

When I get in I take a quick shower since I didn't get to take one after my match with Randy. When I come out I see Nikki laying in bed with her a silk robe, and I am not going to lie, she looks sexy as hell. But after her conversation earlier, I'm not in the mood.

I drop my towel for a quick second just to throw on a pair of a boxer. At this point, Nikki is out of bed. With two glasses of red wine and walks directly towards me. " What's the rush?" She says as she passes me a drink.

" I'm tired." I say semi slamming the drink on the dresser. Nikki glances to see that some of the wine falls on the light color carpet.

" Roman, what the hell? You never turn sex down and you just stain the rug."

" Nikki, I am tired." I say as I try to get into the left side of the king-size bed, but before I can I feel Nikki small and soft hand grab my muscle. Without thinking I quickly flip Nikki over like she was my opponent in the ring. I look at her breast to see her heart rate moving at almost 100 beats per minute. I get off here and grab a packet of paper my open suitcase. I put the paper on the bed and let her read it. Her face lights up in disbelief.

" Are you kidding me?"

" No, Nikki. I don't want kids with you." I yell at her

" So you are getting a vasectomy? When were we going to discuss this?"

" I don't know. When were you planning to trap me?

" Trap you? Roman that's what couple do, they have kids."

" But Nikki, we are not that type of couple. I don't wanna have kids with you."

" You told me less than a week ago, that love was about to sacrifice."

" I did sacrifice, you are getting your wedding in Napa."

" Roman, not having kids is a major sacrifice, compared to a wedding location." She yells. I just stare at her with no look of emotion in my eyes. " oh no you don't wanna talk now? " She says slapping me in my chest, then gives me one last slap in my face. I feel the sores starting to form from the hard impact. " Say something you son of a bitch." I see the tears in her eyes starting to form. I still just stare at her. " I am out of here." she grabs her phone and wallet and make her way out of the room. Before she closes the door she waits one last time for a response, but I don't give it her. " You are no different from John."

Hope y'all like the new cover!

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