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I wake up with Nikki wrapped in my arms as her headrest or my shoulder as if it was her pillow, but I don't mind. However, speaking of mind the only thing that was on mine was last night. When Nikki told me we were gonna bang, I was excited but once I got to touch and feel her it gave me this feeling which I can't put into a word. Because normally when Nikki and I get together we just mess around and try new stupid stuff like dominant and submissive, but last night was special. Nikki pleased my body in every way possible, no woman has ever touched me or kissed me the way she did. I just hope I did the same for her.

It's not even 10 minutes after 8 when Nikki wakes up with a huge smile on her face, she does not notice me stocking her every move, but when she does she rolls over so her large breast come in contact with my muscular chest. And before kissing me she wraps her arm around my neck. " You were amazing last night." I say as if I was a child admitting that they took the last cookie from the cookie jar, as I feel myself starting to blush.

" Aw, baby. You were amazing too. But are you saying I was awful before?" She ask in this sexy raspy tone that she knows will get me turnt on.

" No, but last night was different.... It was perfect." I admit nervously again. She then laugh at me again as she try and seduce me. " Hey, I meant to give you this a while ago." I say as I get out the bed and walk over to my suitcase, but before I get the chance to leave the bed Nikki takes the opportunity to slap the bare skin that exposed my butt. " You like what you see?" I ask her as I unzip my bag. Instead of saying anything she just laugh. I then return to the bed with a large red and green Christmas themed gift box with Nikki name on it. I pass it to her and she just grins.

" What is this?" She ask me.

" Well, I didn't see you on Christmas because of my own stupidness, but this was your Christmas gift. I just wanted to give this to you at the right time, and I believe this is the right time. So open it." I say. Before she opens up it up she gives me a sweet kiss. After digging through the box she finds paper stapled together.

" This better not be that damn prenup." She says

" No." I say laughing. " I know how hard things have been for you lately and I know how much family means to you. So I did some research and Nikki the paper you are holding now is the ownership contract for a empty lot in Phoenix Arizona."

" so you bought me land?" Nikki asked very confused.

" Yes, but not just any land. This land is right next door from Birdie,  Brie, and Bryan. But the land is in your name, and I am also supplying the project."

" What project?"

" Well since that is an empty lot, I want you to design your own home. And I will supply you with the money."

Her nude body then jumps on my chest and starts to  give me kisses. " Roman, this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." She says as starts to kiss me again. But I stop her, to tell her more things are in the boxes.

" Baby, there are more things in the box." She then reaches for the boxes while sitting on top of me.  She digs in the box to only feel a smaller glass box. She slowly picks it up and takes it out of the box and her facial expression tells me she is happy.

" Are you serious? You bought me a Ferrari?"

" Yes, paid in full." She has no words but just leaves her mouth open in complete surprise.

" baby, thank you so much. But I wanna show you your Christmas gift-"

" No, Nikki." I say cutting her off. " I told you not to get me anything. You already do so much for me."

" Well, it's a little to late for that." She then gets off of me and points at her lower back. At first I was confused but now I understand it I look closer to see 'R.R' tattooed on her in about  15 pt font. " you like it baby? it stands for your name. " She then comes closer and lays on her naked body on mine. " Just like this tattoo, you are stuck with me forever."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now