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Things have been a little tense these past few days after Roman revealed him and Paige had a thing going on. I just don't get it, he got mad at me because he thought I slept with his best friend so he sleeps with mines. The whole situation just makes me angry, and I do feel a little guilty about throwing out Paige but I can't let her stay at the house. I just wish I was kept in the dark.
I sit backstage as I watch the matches on a large monitor while finishing the rest of my green middle size crisp apple. " Go, Dean!" I semi chant in a quiet tone as I watch his match again Heath. But I am interrupted when Roman came and sat by me.
" Hey." He says handing me a hot cup with a coffee lid over it. " I know you were sick this morning so I made you some hot tea with a little bit of honey since you can't have sugar because today is not your cheat day."
" Oh wow!" I say taking a sip of the tea. Which is actually good but I am too deep in my feelings to tell him that. " Thanks for the tea."
" No problem." Roman says as we sit in complete silence for a few seconds. " Hey, I just thought we could use a vacation. Just you and I, and I will even let you pick the destination."
Being real I see right through Roman trying to get in my good graces, but I am not complaining.
" Paris." I say taking some a few more sips of the hot tea Roman made me.
" Great, I will start looking for plane tickets." Roman says. " Or I can rent a private plane."
I'll make him suffer. " Private plane. Now if you excuse me I was supposed to be in the Gorilla like five minutes ago." I say with a little attitude
What there is nothing wrong with making a dog sweat a little, Right?

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now