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I wrap my arm around Nikki's nude body, she moves my finger towards her pussy area. If it wasn't obvious we just had sex, because we had a lot of making up to do.

" I just can't believe, you got moved to Smackdown." She says smiling at me with her teeth.

" Don't be I would do anything for you." I say as I start to kiss her neck and shoulders.

" Fuck." She says as she moans and roll her eyes of pleasure. " But two can play it that way." All of a sudden she grabs my rock hard penis, then start to laugh at my reaction. Then release it, and kisses me on the cheek. " Hey, Roman."

" Hmm?" I murmur

" If there is something you are not telling me, can you please tell me now. I don't want any more secrets."

I do I have a secret but I don't wanna tell her yet. " No, I am done with secrets."

" Good." She says repositioning herself on my chest. I feel bad for lying but I just can't tell her yet. " Hey, Roman when we have kids, what should we name them?"

" I don't know any ideas?"

" Well, we could do the whole Will and Jada thing. So if we had a daughter name her Romona and if we have a boy name him Nicholas."

" That's cute. How long have you been thinking about that?"

" A few months now. Why?"

" No, reasons. But let's just focus on planning a wedding. That's going to be complicated enough." I say kissing her forehead. " Also." I roll over to the side of bed to grab my wallet. Then turn back around. " Nicole, will you marry me?"

" Aw, Roman." She kisses me. " Does this mean we are back together."

" I hope so."

" Good, because I never wanna be separated from you ever again." she confesses. I then put the ring back on her finger, where it truly belongs.

" Round 2?" I ask.

" Yeah, but after that, we have to go to bed. You have to adjust to a new schedule. Welcome to the Blue Brand."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now