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" How do I look?" I ask Brie as I turn around and show her my outfit for my date

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" How do I look?" I ask Brie as I turn around and show her my outfit for my date.

" You look amazing." She says. " I wish I still had those abs."

" You will." I say, as I reach for my phone and purse. " Hey, Brie do you think I was wrong to not answer Roman call last night?"

" No, Nikki! For the last and final time. Stop asking me. I am sure he already moved on with someone else. So keep Roman out of your mind, you are going on a date with a successful football. Who also happens to be tall, dark, and handsome. What else could you want?"

" Yea, I guess your correct. I'm just nervous."

" Where is he taking you again?"

" To a French restaurant downtown and then one of his friends Christmas party."

" Oh fancy."

" I know. " I say." Oh, Brie remind me to call Roman and ask him when a good time to come over and pick up my -"

" No, Roman talk. Especially on the date, no man wants to hear about your ex, or he will be your ex."

" Fine, but tell Birdie I said love her." I say getting the Keys out my purse.

I soon hear Bryan scream from the kitchen " Bye, Nicole."

" Bye." I scream back as I leave out the front door.

I make my way across their driveway in my heels and then get it my red sport car. I put my seatbelt start the car, and then pull off. " I am so late." I tell myself as I turn the corner.

This whole day has been difficult, I've been trying to stay positive which is somewhat working. I put the radio on and decide to listen to someone music, but that does not last too long because the next thing I know is everything goes black.

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