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I am loading the rental car that we are renting for the week with our luggage sense we just landed in Napa. While, Nikki is getting, well attempting, the boys in their car seat.
" Roman, can you help me? I don't understand how this works?" She says referring to their car seat.
" Yes." I say closing the trunk and walk to her. In less then a minute I am able to have both of the boys in their car seat.
" Ugh, I wish I could do that." Nikki says as I join in the front.
" You can... You just to learn it."
" Daddy, where are we staying?" Jojo ask as she plays with her game.
" Um... Daddy, rented a house for the week."
" You did?" Nikki ask.
" Yea, I couldn't imagine being stuck in a hotel with three children."  I respond back. Actually truth is I am planning a huge surprise for Nikki, and it the house happens to be apart of it."
" Well, you wanna go half on it?"
" No, it's my gift to you."

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We pull up to the house and the first thing I hear is a excited Jojo yell. " Woah! This place is huge." Waking up a sleeping Nikki in the process. I park to the side of the house. Once turning the car off, I get out and takes the boys out of the car seats.
" I will get one." Nikki says as she takes my son from my hands. Jojo leads the group as the rest of us follow her to the door.
Once in Jojo runs off probably just examining the place, leaving Nikki, the boys, and I.
" Hey, you wanna come with to put the boys to bed for a nap?" I ask she shakes her head, not speaking because she doesn't want to wake them.
Nikki and I walk up the steps before we end up into a two crib room that I had pre-arranged for them.
Once putting them in, Nikki and I find ourselves walking to the guest room holding hands.
" How are you feeling?" Nikki asks me as we enter the master bedroom.
" If you are referring to my parents not coming to the wedding, I don't care."
" But you do."
" Nicole, I really don't. The way I see it is if they wanna miss my wedding that's on them. Now I am very tired.  I am going to take a nap, but when I get up we can go to dinner. Alright?"
" Yea."  She lean in and give him a kiss before leaving the room and heading to the kitchen.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now