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I am walking past a hallway, when I see Nikki and Randy in the hallway, I see them hug each other for a few seconds. Without hesitation I quickly call out her name " Nikki!" The two of them look my way, but she jogs to me. I am not going through that B. S again.

" Hey, what's up?" She says as she gets closer to me. Before responding I start to hold her hand, she looks up at me and smile. " Nothing happened, Roman.

" I know." I say trying to sound cool, Calm, and collective.

" I was just giving him back his card."

" What card?" I ask.

" He paid for my my hotel room last night."

" Oh, Wow!" I say. Trying to stay calm buts it to late. " What does he want from you."

"Nothing, Roman, Nothing. He was just being nice. "

" No, Guys like Randy want things in return."

" I don't think so Roman, he is my friend."

" Okay." I say knowing that Randy act of kindness had to be repaid somehow, but I do wanna calm the conversation down since I am already on thin ice.

" So, what did you want?"

" Um... Do you wanna grab some dinner after the show?"

" Yea.... I'm down." Nikki says with a huge smile. " What should I wear?"

" It doesn't matter you look beautiful in anything."

Nikki and I have been eating for about 10 minutes now. Dinner has been mostly small talk, but I can tell she is eager to ask me for my decision.

" Are we going to address the elephant in the room?" she asks me as her deep brown eyes stares directly into mines. I shake my head yes and take a deep breath as I prepare for I am about to say.

"Nicole, I can never be so sorry for what happened last night. My job as your soon to be husband is to protect you, but last night I didn't do that. I actually did the opposite, I hurt you. And again I am deeply sorry for that.  I don't have any excuse, other than the fact I was scared. I was scared to lose you and my family, so I started acting like an asshole. When you left the room last night I truly wanted to run after you but I was afraid of making things worse. But I am most sorry about the comment I made, not having a child is a major sacrifice and it's one I don't want you to make. So today before I asked you on this date, I called my family, it was the first time I talked to them since the whole blow up, and I told them the truth. And the truth is I wanna give my beautiful and sexy fiancee a baby in our future, and there is nothing they can do about because I love her death. " As I finish those words a few tears start to fall down my face.  " So they better get used to seeing you a lot more often, because you are my family now. So Nicole, would you do honor with me and have some wonderful children with me?"

She doesn't answer but instead sits in my lap and start to kiss me instead. I feel the eyes of a few people looking at us.... but I don't give a damn.
Happy Birthday Bella twins!

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