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The last few days have been fun, but its time to get serious. I know Nikki didn't tell me the whole truth about the randy situation, and I believe as her fiancee it's my job to know.

 I know Nikki didn't tell me the whole truth about the randy situation, and I believe as her fiancee it's my job to know

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Nikki and I walk across the parking lot to the arena. As I roll both of our bags inside. " Are you okay?" I ask her as we get closer to the locker rooms. She shakes her head yes. " Good, remember to stay away from Randy."

" Okay."  She says. I then drop her off to her locker room along with her bags. " Do you wanna meet in catering in 10 minutes."

" Of course." I say as I kiss her. But I knew I wasn't going to meet her in 10 minutes.

I walk in the locker room to discover that Randy and dean were talking, I couldn't pick up their conversation because they stop when I walk in here. It kinda threw me off to see Dean, because we really haven't been talking since I that video of me got leaked last year. But it's not like there is any Beef.

" Hey, Roman." Dean says.

I put my bags down and bro-hugs him. " Long time no see. How is everything?"

" It's been good. We can-"

" Did you want something Roman?" Randy says rudely interrupting the two of us. I look in his direction.

" This isn't your locker room Randy?"

" Well, I was here before you. Just like how I had sex with Nikki before you, but she's running back to me now."

" Randy, your so stupid."

" No, need for name-calling Roman. I get that you're mad because I took Nikki from."

" You don't have, Nikki. She said that to get away from you!" I yell.

" I am really confused here." Dean says.

" Don't be, Roman is so insane. He doesn't realize I took Nikki from right underneath him."

" That's it!" I yell. Out of know where this unknown anger rises from in me. I punch Randy in his other eye. Making him fall against the dividers. " Stupid Bitch!" I yell. I then start to punch him over and over again in the mouth until I see blood appear. But one wrong move gets the upper hand and flips me over. He starts to punch me in my left arm, I could feel the bruises starting to form. Thankfully, Dean steps in and pulls Randy off, but that takes a wrong turn when Randy punches Dean in the stomach knocking the wind out of him. A few seconds later, I see the whole smackdown men roster running in to break up the fight. Along with them came security, they were able to maintain Randy on one side of the room and me and on the other side.

" Who's the stupid Bitch, Now?" Randy screams out with laughter. As blood from his mouth starts to drip onto the floor.

" Let me go!" I demand the security team holding me back.  They do as I say, as I walk out the locker room door, I feel the eyes of every single person looking at me. As I get to the end of the hall I see Nikki standing there is confusion. " Grab, your stuff. We are leaving."

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