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" I am so tired

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" I am so tired." I moan to Brie in the car. " We literally flew back from smackdown back to home Early this morning, and then I wanted to take a nap. But we had to do makeup and hair. I should have just taken a nap instead."
" And not do glam?" Brie says spiking her eyebrows at me as if I was stupid. " You don't wanna look bad... These are your fans as well."
" Yes... I know. That's why I am in the car with you right coming to see them."
" Okay, well then don't complain. You can retire just like I did and focus on Birdie bee and the wine."
" Well I am not going to because I love what I do... And that would mean Roman is on smackdown for no reason if I was to leave. And that wouldn't be fair to him."
" Well, as I said earlier don't complain." She mumbles.
" Excuse, but is there a problem?"
" Yes... I am tired of being disrespected."
"Who disrespected you?"
" Roman!"
" My Roman?"
" Yes."
" What did he do?"
" Yesterday morning before you all left,  I told me I was glad you two work things out. But maybe he you should let you go if he can't give you what you want and that's a baby. And then he told me to mind my own business."
" That's not rude, Brie. He was right to tell you that after I asked you not to say anything to him... And you did it anyway. He had every right to tell you that."
" Are you seriously taking his side over your twin sister?"
" Yea, and I don't care if we are twins that was wrong. And you should apologize when we get back to the house."
After leaving the event we head straight back home. Roman car is here so he must be here. The car drops us off and we then head inside. It is pretty awkward since the argument we had earlier, but I know I am right.
I run upstairs to change into so more comfortable clothes, as I see Roman laying down in the bed while the television is still on. Before changing I turn the tv  off, when I feel Roman hand grab mines. " Gotcha!" He says scaring me but starts to laugh when he sees my face.
" You scared me." I admit as I sit on top of him and I start to giggle.
" I'm sorry. But how was your event?"
" Good. A lot of fans asked about you. But also Brie told me what happened. I am sorry she said anything.. I told her out of trust not to embarrass you. But I told her to apologize."
" It's fine don't worry about it. But do you wanna go out to dinner with the kids and I, I just have to pick them up from Galina's."
" Yea... sure our we celebrating something?"
" Yea you could say that." He says with a smirky little smile.

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