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It's dinner time when Roman and I arrive at his parent's house, but sadly I don't have much of an appetite. I am nervous to be here, it seems like they really hate me because of what happened last time. I am trying to stay calm and cool, but it's not working out.

We walk to the front door together holding hands, Roman rings the doorbell once and we patiently for them to answer. " Calm down, Nicole." He tells me.

" I am trying to." I say before he can respond, Roman parents are both at the door.

" Hi!" Roman mom screams as she opens the door.

" Hi, Mom." Roman says giving his mom a hug. As he brakes the hug his mom starts to touch his beard.

" You didn't shave?" Roman'ss mom asks him, but before he can answer Roman's father step in.

" Let him be a man, and let them in it's getting cold out there." Roman father demands. Roman's mother moves out the way and lets us in. As of now none of them have addressed me, so this is starting off great I think to myself as I slightly roll my eyes.

" Nicole, let me take your coat. " Roman says, I slide my coat off and pass it to him. He hangs up our coats in the closet located in the foyer. Roman and I then hold hands as we walk through, I guess he wants to prove that we are a united front. Roman parents lead the way to the living room as we follow behind.

" Roman, I made your favorite, Lasagna." Roman mom's says excitingly.

Roman than looks at me and whisper. " That's not my favorite." We share a laugh, then sit at the dinner room table. Roman's mom bring out the lasagna straight out the stove, the steam still rises from the pan.

" Oh, Nicole." Roman father says. Finally someone other than Roman talked to me. " I know you love wine, so I went ahead and bought some at the market. We have red wine and white wine, which one should we open first?"

I quickly look at Roman before answering. " Uh.. I appreciate the jester, but-"

Roman interrupts me. " But since Nicole broker her neck and is currently not 100%, the doctor wants her to stay away from unhealthy food and alcoholic beverages. But I on the other hand would be happy to have a few glasses."

" Fine, but you have to stay over here tonight, no drunk driving." Roman's father says.

" Deal." Roman says, he then takes the red wine and slowly pours it into the glass, and smile at me.

"Are you hiding something from me ?" Roman's mom ask us. My mind quickly starts to race. Does she know about the baby?

" No." Roman says.

" Well, obviously. I have not seen the ring yet."

" Oh." We says laughing it off, finally knowing we could breath again.

" Roman, that's beautiful. You must have spent tons of thousands. " His mom says, as she examine the ring more.

" Well, I don't regret spending a single penny." Roman says.

" that's sweet." His father says. " You guys make a beautiful couple. Your sister will just have to get use it."

" She will." Roman says.

After, Dinner Roman and I head to the guest room. He then quickly jog up to me, and holds my hand. " You were amazing tonight."

" Well, thank you. But that cover on why I was not drinking is even better. "

" You think so, I panicked. But when are we going to tell them."

" Well, we can do it after my appointment tomorrow. After it is actually confirmed. But what will they think?"

" I don't know. But it doesn't matter, as long as  I have you."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now