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Roman and I lay in bed

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Roman and I lay in bed. His head rests on my stomach as I stroke his long beautiful black hair, and he elevates his feet onto one of our pillows. I am watching the sunset as he watches the preshow to a 49ers football game. But something seems off when he returned from the restroom on the plane I could sense it.

" Hey, buddy. Are you okay?" I ask as I lean in a little so he can just focus on me for a second. Of course, he shakes his head to make me feel better, but it doesn't because I know he is lying. " Hey, I am going to go grab something to drink, while I am downstairs doing you want anything?"

" No, Nikki." He says in tone as if I am bothering him. " Now, go do what you were going to do." He say steering directly at me, then turning back to the tv.

I stare back at him hoping for something such as an apology, but I didn't get it. I decide to go downstairs in the dim kitchen and go grab my water from the fridge. But I don't go stair upstairs I wait, because I was trying to hold back the emotion I am feeling.

I occupy myself for doing some business for Birdie bee, about 30 minutes later he comes downstairs. I try and wipe the tears, he comes down in one of his black shirts and jeans.

" Hey, I am going to grab something to eat. Do you want anything?"

" No." I say in a quiet tone. But I wanted an apology.

" Ok, I am out." I see he takes his sport car keys and heads out our main door.
Roman comes in about midnight, I hear the door main good close, as he makes his way upstairs.

" Nikki!" He yells. I don't answer him, because I really don't wanna deal with him. So I decide to act in sleep. I feel his presence upon me, as he takes a seat on my side of the bed. And kiss my forehead. " I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me."

At this point, I believe he knows I am up, so I can't fake it anymore. I open my eyes and look at him. " Then what's wrong?"

" Randy was on the same plane as we were on earlier and he made some comments that I didn't like. So I decided this punch him."

" Roman?!" I say sitting up immediately.

" I know it was dumb. It just made me so angry."

" Don't be, I am in your bed not his. Now let's get some rest."

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