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Instead of going to breakfast, Brie agrees to come to my room so we enjoy breakfast in private and I don't have to get dress yet.

Instead of going to breakfast, Brie agrees to come to my room so we enjoy breakfast in private and I don't have to get dress yet

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" Do you have a baby bottle?" Brie yells out from my hotel bathroom.

" Brie, why the hell would I have a baby bottle?"

" I don't know." She says walking back to me, with Birdie in her arm. " I just know she is going, to start crying soon."

"Fine, go look in Roman luggage, and see if he might have any of the kid's bottles." I say. Brie follows my direction and looks carefully through Roman stuff.

Seconds later she comes back waving an opened condoms in my face. " I didn't uncover any baby bottle, but I sure found something else." She says giggling.

" Brie, shut up."

" Oh! And they are the XL size." She says as she drops them on the table. " It must have been so great last night."

" Brie, there is a reason why they are not open."

" You mean you guys didn't have sex? Who doesn't have sex on their engagement night?"

" I guess we don't. When we got in he said he didn't want to do it, if I was intoxicated it, which I wasn't because I wouldn't remember our conversation. And then he was too busy this morning."

" Nikki, that's not right. Do you think he is lying to you?"

" Brie, don't." I say waving my finger at her. " Roman and I have already been through enough, so don't plant seeds in my head."

" I'm sorry, but it might be true."

" Brie, it's not. Roman and I don't have secrets."

" So, Roman knows about you, Randy?"

" Yes... Maybe... No."

" Well, that's a secret."

" Fine, I'll tell him tonight after our double date."

" I don't remember agreeing to that. Plus who's going to watch Birdie?"

" Nia. Birdie loves Nia."

" Fine, but only 2 hours."

" That's all I need."

" Where is Roman anyway?"

" At the gym."

Is Roman really at the gym? Is Nikki really going to tell Roman? Check out the rest of the story, to figure it out.

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