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It's been a few days since I made Nikki got her Vagina cleaned out by the doctor, and it wasn't to make her feel bad and I knew she didn't have an STD or anything close. I just didn't want to sleep with her until she is free of anything Adam cole.

I walk into our room to see Nikki laying on her side as she swiped through her phone probably on Instagram or something. I come from behind her and wraps my arms around her body. I start to kiss her neck, but I can not fully get into it. She gets up out of the bed and starts to walk downstairs. That's strange, I get up and follow her to find her in the office downstairs. " Hey, is everything okay?" I ask as I wait near the door. She shakes her head no. " Can I come in?" She shakes her head yes as starts to cry. " Hey, What's going on?" I ask wiping her tears and giving her hugs.

" Roman, I'm scared that I cannot be a mom."

" Why are you thinking about that?"

" Because the other day at the clinic, they offered me a test to see the likely hood of me getting pregnant, but I was to afraid to take the test. I don't wanna be the reason that we cannot have kids." She says crying even more. " I don't wanna be the reason we lost our baby. But I also feel selfish.  Because I wanna give you a baby... but I love my carrer."

" Oh My Gosh! No Nikki." I start to freak out at her accusations. " I am so sorry if I made you fell like I forced you to have a baby with me. When ever you are ready, I am ready. Because it is going to be your body that is going to be going through the changes, and I wanna be here to support you. But please don't feel like I am forcing you to have my baby."

" Are you sure?"

" Absolutely, whenever you are ready I am ready. So if you were to tell me you are ready to have a baby right now, I would put everything aside in an instant to help you get that." I see a huge smile that appears on her face that means the world to me.

" Okay, well since I feel less pressure. I think I wanna wait until after we are married. Because we would be a more stable environment and a actually family."

" Well, you are already my family." I say kissing her on the mouth. " But let me know if anything changes.  But we should get started on the road, we don't wanna be late. We probably wouldn't want to have a baby and no job."

" Alright, I will go quickly pack." She says kissing me before living the room.

Before I leave the room I realize that Nikki left her phone on the desk. When I pick it up to give it to her the phone lights up, and I see that she has many text from Adam. " Well, it looks like I need to have a chat with Adam. Man to man." I say before putting the phone back on the desk.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now