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It feels as if Nikki and I have been standing at the altar for 10 hours but in reality, 10 minutes as the priest continues to speak and as these pants grow tighter. But I cannot help to notice Nicole, I mean yes she looks beautiful. But something missing she is suppose to be glowing and smiling but the whole wedding she just has this resting face.
Finally I snap back into reality, and hear the priest say " You may now kiss the bride." Oh and I do. I lean in for a kiss full of passion, but I receive the exact opposite from her. I play it cool as the crowd starts to cheer. " I now pronounce husband and wife." Nicole and I face the audience and wave before heading back down the aisle together with the standing ovation from everyone else.
We then lead to a private little room, where we wait until we do our grand exit in a few minutes.
Nicole stands in front of me with her arm crossed and her vail up. I come from behind to hug her, thankfully she doesn't move.
" Are you okay? And please be honest because majority of the time you lie, to make me feel better. And it all just becomes this big stupid mess."
" What's Stupid? My feeling or the problems you put us in?"
" Well, it obviously not your feelings, I am referring to."
" Good, that's new."
" You're doing it again."
" Doing what?"
" Your hiding your feelings, and that what I am trying to avoid. Why can't you just be straight up?"
" Because I am not like that, and if I was I would not be here wearing this nearly $10,000 wedding dress."
" I don't get it. Please just make this simple. What's wrong?"
" Now, is not the time to handle it, Roman."
" Yes, it is. The sooner we wait the harder it gets."
" For who? you, Roman?" she says with sarcasm. I just stare at her unaware of what we truly talking about. But if I could guess it would be taking a shot at our failed attempts of pregnancy.
" I am trying... I really am." I say. " It's harder than you think, this is sorta new to me."
" Oh really, that's not news." She says rolling her eyes at me.
" Well, obviously not. Because I have done it before." I mean I have three children, and she knows that.
" Please don't bring that up." She says putting her hand on my chest.
" Why not? It's apart of our pass."
" And something we is both truly hurt by."
" Then let's start over, and forget about it." I say even though it hard to forget our lost child.
" It's not that simple... Look can we please just talk about this later. I don't want to be late for the wedding photos."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now