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I am buttoning up my white long sleeve collar shirt when Nikki comes running into my arm nearly tripping into my arms. I lift her face to redness and tears and concerns come over me. " What happened? Do you not like the decorations?"

" Tell me she is lying." Nikki says finally sitting up on her own. But before I can even ask what or who I see a pregnant Galina walk-in into our bedroom.

" Hi Roman." She says rubbing her stomach, and I know exactly what she is referring to.  I look down to see Nikki looking at me waiting for an answer.

" Nikki, that is not my baby. I promise you that."

" Roman, stop lying." Galina says walking towards me, but I start to back up. " Look, Nikki, Roman and I didn't want to tell you because we didn't be rude since you lost your baby. But the truth is Roman can't keep his hands off me, and I will always be his first love."

" Roman tell me the God Damn Truth now! " Nikki screams out. " How did she know about the baby?"

" I told her. Before Galina and I had Jojo we lost our baby, I called her because I need help guiding you in the process."

Nikki then starts to cry then more. " How could you? I didn't want anyone to know. That was the lowest point of my life and you are out here telling my story to anyone that walks past you."

I then walk up to Nikki as I try to hug her but she backs away. " Our story... I lost the baby too." I remind her. " But that baby is not mine."

" Then who is it?"

" I know but I don't wanna hurt you Nikki."

" Gosh, I just wanna cancel this party. But the guest will be arriving soon." Nikki says. " Let's just have this party, but I want you out of this house by tonight. Unless you can give me some answers." She then leaves the room only leaving Galina and I.

" Why would you do this?" I asks her. " You know that is not my child, I haven't touched you since our divorce."

" Then tell her the truth."

" I don't wanna hurt her."

" Well it looks like you will be out of home if you don't."

" Just get out I don't wanna see you ever again."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now