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I pull into the drive way after expecting peace and quiet only to hear the sound and sight of two moving trucks in the drive way. " What the hell?" I ask as I get out the car, and make a bee line straight to the door. The door is cracked open already, so i didn't need a key. I walk in the foyer to see boxes everywhere.

" Nikki!" I scream out. Soon I see Nikki come out of the kitchen with Paige behind her. " And Paige."

" Hi baby." Nikki says jumping in my arms forcing me to catch her. " Paige is moving in." She says demanding me as if I didn't have a choice. " Okay?"

" Yeah sure, but it's not just Paige. " I say looking at her stomach.

" Yea, I'm pregnant. I am going on my second trimester soon."

" That's awesome. Tell Seth congrats for me."

" Well, Seth doesn't know. That is why she is here." Nikki reminds me. " Alright, I am going to see how the furniture builders are doing upstairs. But after that Roman, I wanna show you the progress I made on the wedding, and Paige, also helped."

" Okay, great." I say as she gets down off of me and runs upstairs. The second she is gone I turn directly to Paige. " I want you gone... Now."

" Look... I don't wanna be here either, but I knew to decline Nikki's offer would make her super suspicious."

" Fine... You have a point. But remember when we hooked up, it was a mistake. We were both drunk and made a stupid choice. I love Nikki."

" You say that like we only hooked up once."

" Whatever. Let's just get this DNA test complete so I can know who the father is and move on. And don't get too comfortable, you won't be staying too long." I then walk out the door just so I can get away from her.

This is my worst nightmare

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now