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When Roman comes back upstairs I stop what I am doing and run into arms before he can fully open the door. He catches but is in complete shock, as he tries to figure out what is happening. " Did I do something?" He asks me as he puts me down after dozens of kisses.

" You're funny." I tell him as I move out the way to show him everything. He looks around to see that the room is surrounded by red and black balloons, and there are plates of breakfast from room service that has cage-free eggs that are scrambled all the way to crêpe that is covered in fresh strawberries and chocolate. On the beds lays bags of lingerie from Victoria Secert. " You really out done yourself." I tell him, as he follows me to the rest of the room.

" Nikki, I didn't do this." He says as he puts his gym bag down and starts looking through the bags.

" Roman, it's okay to take some credit. But the question is what can I do for you now?" I say as tease him by pulling down some of my thong.

He disappointedly shakes his head as he examines the room more. " When did you get this?"

" Well, I woke up and it was pitch black dark, I felt the bed and I didn't see you. I searched for my phone to text you once I did, I turned the light on and it was all here. Why?" I ask him.

" Because Nicole I didn't buy any of this. Are you sure it is for you?"

" I am pretty sure." I say as I start to walk to the gift basket that holds muffins of various types in there, and I start to read the card to him." Look it says ' To My NB who deserve everything and more." Roman takes the card and reads it more. " I thought The NB means Nikki Bella."

" Oh it does, but I didn't write this. Don't eat anything else or put anything on."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now