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I wake up to see Roman is not only out of the bed, but also our room because the door is wide open. I look at the window while still laying in the bed to see his car is still here. Maybe he is in the gym. I tell myself as I make my way downstairs's, but is sadly mistaken when I see Paige and Roman talking downs stairs in the dining room. " Good morning, baby." Roman says smiling when he sees me. But looking at Paige face it seems like they just got in a heated argument.

" Good morning Baby." I say kissing Roman, then turning to Paige. " Good morning, what were you talking about?"

" Paige was asking me about my wrestling heritage." Roman says pulling me into his lap.

" Oh well, I heard this story many times," I say laughing. " But I will let you two finish."

" Actually." Roman says getting me up forcing me up on my feet. " I am going to the home gym."

" Okay." I say kissing him before he walks away. " Alright, so I am going to pick up Brie and my mom from the airport, but I also want you to come with me. I wanna take you baby shopping and I also set up for the nursery."

" Nikki!"

" What?"

" That's way to much. Plus, I'm not sure if I am staying long. I don't wanna be a burden on you or Roman's relationship."

" Look Paige, that's sweet but you and I have been friends much longer then Roman and I have been seeing each other. And what type of friend would I be if I would just let you and your future baby go, without supporting you."

" Fine." She says rolling her eyes that I was correct. " But honestly thank you Nikki." She says giving me a hug. " Do you mind if I run to the bathroom real quick, and I will meet you in the car?"

" Yeah go ahead." I say. She nods her head before running off to the nearest bathroom in the house. But as I get ready to walk out the door I hear a phone starting to ring. I immediately know that it is not mine, because that is not my ring tone. I pick it up to realize that it's Paige phone that is ringing. The caller ID reads ' Clinic.' Should I answer? It could be very important like the sex of the baby or something. I decide by the third ring I decide to answer it. " Hello?" I say through the phone waiting for the caller on the other line to answer.

" Hi Paige, this is Erica from Doctor Hunter's office. I was calling to inform you to tell you that your DNA results are in. Would you like the information by phone or mail?"

DNA Test? I got to get to the bottom of this. " Oh, Mail will do just fine. And when you send it out can you please use the name Nicole?"

" Oh okay that's an odd request, but sure."

" Thank you." I say hanging up on her. As I start to put her phone down I see Paige coming down the hallway.

" Who was that?" She ask.

" Just some bill collectors. Are you ready?"

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now