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My wedding assistant helps with my wedding veil, as we finish the final touches for my ' big day.' Once she finishes I take a few steps forward to get one last look at myself.
" May, I say you are one of my most beautiful brides." She says putting her hands together.
" Aw, Thank you." I say trying to look as happy as possible but my smiles fades.

" I say trying to look as happy as possible but my smiles fades

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"Is something wrong?"
" Oh... I'm just restless."
" Are you pre...."
" Oh no." I say laughing cutting her off. " I am not. We just had a long night."
" Wedding night jitters?"
" Yea... something like that."
" Hey, don't worry. Everyone goes through it. Just enjoy the day."
Before I can respond there's a quick and loud anxious knock. The wedding director and owner comes in without approval. Honestly if I did not have to I would not deal with him, I just really want the venue.
" Nicole... your on in five!" He says slamming the door. I find myself rolling my eyes at him but relieved, because I know longer have to deal with him.
" Don't give him any attention, this day is all about you."
" Thanks again, I couldn't do this without you." I hug before walking out the door.
I now realize and I am leaving my comfort zone, I am now vulnerable to see what ever life throws at me, now since I am officially declaring my love in public. And that now every choice I make will affect him, and every choice he makes will affect me. I feel my anxiety rising and my confidence failing. I want to go back in the room. I want to slide off the dress and the heels, and be in my safe place? My happy place? Shouldn't that be him? Yes... but it's not. I am miserable covering up this lie. I am unsatisfied. He keeping lies from me, and I am acting like it's okay. I don't wanna walk down the aisle... now... or ever.

I feel my heart pounding against my chest and I feel the room getting smaller. I find the closest walk near to me to lean on. Tears starts to flow down my cheeks. And the feeling of lightheadness strikes me suddenly but not unexpectedly.

" Help!" I cry out. I am then confronted with the yelling of my name.

" Nicole!"

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now