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Nikki and I have just broad out plane back to Florida. It's about a 2-hour trip so I mine will make the most of it.

 It's about a 2-hour trip so I mine will make the most of it

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I have my headphone on until I feel a warm hand touch me. I slide my headphones off and look at Nikki. " What's up?"

" So I was looking at some wedding venues. " She starts with. This is going to take a while. " So I know you wanna get married in the Somoan islands but how would you feel about Napa Valley?" She ask, giving me these large puppies eyes. That I couldn't say no too. But I could change the topic.

" Baby, you are suppose to have the engagement party first."

" I thought we already did?"

" No, that was your Birthday Party."

" Oh okay." I see her open up a new document on her laptop, then stares back at me. " How do we start that?"

" Well, for my first wedding we hired a party planner, because I was busy."

" Well, I wanna be hands on."

" But, Nikki, you are already busy. Do you need another reasonability on your plate?"

" Well, no. But you are going to help me. Right?"

" Of course," I say I can't start another argument with her.

" Perfect. Where should we have it?"

" Um... well we could have it at the house or the res-"

" The house is perfect, to hold it at"

" But Nikki-"

" Then, how about food?"

" We could do a cookout."

" No, Roman. Something more elegant. Like a beach theme!"

How is that different from my idea?! " Nikki, that's perfect." I say in a sarcastic tone.

" I am so glad. I will write it down."

Gosh, I am so tired of this conversation, I will literally talk about anything else. " Hey, Nikki?"

" Hmm?" She says looking up from her laptop.

" How much did you spend on the house?"

" Including furniture?"

" Yea."

" Well, I spent around $20,000 on furniture. And I paid a deposit of $5000 and paid a first-month rent of $5,000. So that's 30,000. But why did you ask?"

" Because I want to pay you back."

" Baby, no. Don't be silly."

" I just feel responsible for causing you to do that."

" But, Roman I don't want you to do that."

" Well I'm going to, end of discussion. Now if you excuse me I have to pee."

" Oh, we could join the mile high club together?"

" Yea, something tells me you joined a while ago. " I say jokingly. She gasp then up laughing.

" Don't take to long." She says, then give me a sweet but quick kiss.

" I won't." I take my headphones and pillow off and place it on my seat. Nikki steps in the isle so I can get out, and then take a seat again.

When I get to the back of the plane I see the restroom is occupied. I wait for a few minutes until the person comes out.

" Roman?!" I look up to see Randy coming out of the restroom. He is the last person I wanna see. " Wow, if you are here than mean Nikki is as well. Hey, do you mind if I borrow her for about 15 minutes in here? It won't take to long but I am sure if you try hard enough you can hear her moan."  He then starts laughing at his own comment. His comment made me so angry, I lose control and punch him in the face. It wasn't bad enough to knock him out but just enough for a black eye. " Holy Fuck man." He says grabbing a few people attention.

I don't even respond but rather go back to my seat. " That was fast." Nikki says

" Yep. I lost the urge." I then put my headphones and on and pillow around my neck.

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