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I woke up with the biggest smile on my face, because I am getting married to the love of my life this week. It's crazy to think that 4 months ago that I was ready to throw in the tile... but nope here we are. So this morning Roman, the kids, and I are flying out to Napa. Then Friday is the bachelorette and bachelor party, and Saturday is the wedding. So I think all my friends are flying out Thursday, but Brie and Daniel is meeting us tomorrow with last minute things, that should have been handle a while ago.... but it's all good.
I am downstairs getting the last of my things together, before we pick up the kids from Roman's parent. Speaking of Roman parents that is the only thing that suck, they won't be attending. Roman keeps telling me that they are busy but I know it's code for ' They don't like you.' But it's fine.
" You ready, Girl!" Roman screams down the stairs.
" Yea, boy. Just give me a few more minutes. I gotta check off my check list."
" Alright, I going to head to the car. But isn't it crazy to think that when we come back here the whole world is going to know that we are married."
" It is... we should be a duo. I can imagine us walking out the curtain being introduced as ' The Reigns.' The best wrestling mix tag team ever."
" Alright, I don't know about that. You stick with your booty twirl and I will stick with my thing."
" Ugh.. your the worst." I say in a joking way.
" But that's why you love me." He says before closing the door so I can't get anything out.

This is going to be fun.

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