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So Roman and me chilling lead to us watching a movie and falling asleep and by the time I get up it is nearly five in the morning." Dang, it." I say as I pull the blanket off me.
When I go downstairs I see the kitchen light on, which probably means that Brie is in there. " Hey," I say walking in the kitchen to see Brie making some tea. " Sorry about last night, I guess Roman and I fell asleep while watching the marathon of John wick movies."
"Oh, well I am taking the validity of you two sleeping together a sign of you to being back together."
" Yes." I say with a smile I can't hide. " He told me he is going to hire some movers to bring my stuff back from Nia's. So I am really happy about that."
" Well, did you two address the elephant in the room?"
" Yes." I say knowing we are talking about him still being in love with his ex.
" And?"
" And, he told me that while we were in Lake Tahoe that he went to our therapist and told us how she felt. So they came to the conclusion that he does not love her but love what he has done for her?"
" What do you mean?"
" Roman gave Galina's kids."
" But what does that have to do with-"
" I am not supposed to say anything... So don't say anything but Roman can't give me a baby. He has azoospermia. So when he got me pregnant his sperm was not strong enough to form a baby. Which means he got really lucky when he got Galina pregnant. But him wrestling five times a week probably makes it worse because he is always getting kicked down there. But please don't say anything to him or anyone else, he already feels awful."
" Yea, totally. But Nikki your in the exact situation you were in two years ago. Your with a man that can't give you a family."
"  Not really, Roman kids are like my kids."

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