Roman and Nikki

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Roman POV
" What are you doing here?" Nikki asked me taking me by surprise. As the green vein on top of her head pops out.

" Chill. Nia asked me to come over because she needs me to drop off her suitcase with all her attire in there. She told me a friend would be staying with her... but I didn't know you were the friend."

" Just hurry." She says pushing me to Nia's bedroom.

Nikki POV
After pushing him in there I wait for Jimmy to come back from the restroom but in the meantime, I sit in the dining room.

" Did I hear someone else voice?" Jimmy asked as he walks back to the table.

" No... I mean yes. It was the delivery man he helped me set the food up."

" Oh great, but where's the food?"

" Umm... It was a little cold so it's in the oven. So in the meantime, we could watch a movie."

" Okay, cool."

Jimmy and I walk towards the couch. He sits down as I try to find a movie to watch. " We can watch pretty woman or -" I turn around expecting to see Jimmy be on the couch with his wine in hand but instead he right in front of me.

" How about we just chill and get to know each other?" He says has his hand continues to slide down my back. In that very second, I forget about everything and just focus on him. I lean in for a kiss that turns into a make-out session. He picks me up and takes me towards the couch. Are we really about to have couch sex? He lays on the couch on as I start unbuttoning his blue jean shirt...

Roman POV
The living room is dimmer then I remember it being a few minutes ago and silent. " Nikki!" I call out. " I am leaving." I say as I am about to walk out the door. But I hear the sound of moaning coming from the couch. " Nicole?" I say as I start to walk out. " Nic-"
I stop when I see Nicole in only her bra and underwear all over one of the start players of my favorite team. " Really, Nikki!" I say. The two of them look up in complete embarrassment as I walk out the door very angry.

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