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After Roman and I had an amazing night of wedding planning and watching half of the movie that I can't even remember the name of we fell asleep, in a cuddling position with him being the big spoon. But that soon ended when the morning sky woke us up.

" Can I please just have 5 more minutes." I say as I put the pillow that was underneath my head over my face.

" Oh trust me I would love the too. But we have a make a wish appearance today." Roman says as he gets up and starts to make up his side of the bed.

" I know, I love the make a wish foundation. But I couldn't sleep last night because someone kept pulling the blanket off of me." I say as I start to get out of the bed.

" Sorry I have a larger body." Roman says as he checks himself out. I playful roll my eyes at him. " Alright, enough playing around you have 30 minutes to get dress or I will leave you here."

" Your bluffing, you wouldn't know what to do without me." I say back.

" Your right about that." He says." Just meet me in the lobby when you are done... Remember 30 minutes."

" Yes, Captain Reigns." I say as I playful salute him.

After 30 minutes... Fine 40 minutes of getting ready I went to hot mess to...

 I see Roman waiting downstairs patiently as he talks to Alexa Bliss

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I see Roman waiting downstairs patiently as he talks to Alexa Bliss. Don't overthink it, Nicole. I walk over there is a calm and normal fashion just to hear the end of their conversation.

" So get her 49ers fan gear... I know she likes that."

" Alright thanks, Roman. Oh and hi Nikki." She says as she smiles and walks away. I smile back but I really want her to back away from Roman ASAP.

" Stop giving that look. I know that look."

" What look? I just smiled at her."

He just shrugs, smiles, then laugh. " I know that Look Nicole, it's the don't touch my man look. I have seen many girls give another girl that exact girl."

I mean he is right but I am going to admit it. " Whatever, lets just head to this make- a- wish event I am looking forward to meeting the kids."

" Good, but here's the dilemma. While you were upstairs I was looking at the superstars on the list that will be there today and you may not be so interested in going anymore."

" OMG! Who, Roman?"

" Sasha, Charlotte, Carmella, Bayley, Nia-"

" It's fine I have Nia to hang with as well."

" Nikki, I am not done."

" I was afraid you say that."

" Yeah, Randy, Dolph, Seth will also be there. And Randy and I can only semi stand each other. While Dolph is the most irritating person on the planet. And you know my feeling on Seth."

" Ugh! Roman why does our past always follow us?"

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now