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My body rests on the couch awake when I hear the front door open and close in a matter of seconds. "Roman?" I ask as I jump off the couch.
" Yes." He says turning the corner making his way to where I stand.
" Where have you been?" I ask as I give him a hug. " I was really concerned."
" I know I got your text, I am sorry, I just had to make a visit to the hospital."
" The hospital? Did you talk to Seth?"
" Not exactly."
" What's that supposed to mean?"
" I mean, when I got there Seth was signing Paige out. And-"
" Wait, Paige is leaving the hospital?"
" Yea and she told me that Seth was moving into her apartment, then they are moving back to Iowa once the baby is out of the hospital."
" Oh."
" Yea and I told her Seth should not be trusted. And she should stay with us."
" And what did she say?"
" She just was like no, you and Nikki can't be trusted. Because she kicked me out before."
" So she was pretty much calling our friendship fake."
" I guess. So I was like okay cool. But when I was leaving Seth comes back and says to me I really miss hanging out with you and Dean. I will be in town for a couple of months let's hang."
" Oh that's bold."
" Yea, I know. So I just told him maybe and walked off, because I would be an awful partner to you hang out with Seth again or even be in contact with him, and I hope it's the same for you."
" Uh yes of course. I am really over Paige and Seth because of everything and especially after today. Because I was able to take her back as a friend and she just throws me under the bus and calls me fake. No that's fake. I am just glad that I know now rather than me finding out later."
Roman just shakes his head in silence for a moment before changing the topic. " Alright, well I am sorry about earlier." He says pulling me in for a hug.
" I am sorry too." I say as we continue to hug.
" No, don't be. I should have not have overreacted like that." He says following with a kiss." Also, I booked our rooms for tomorrow night."
" Oh, and I booked our flight so we are good to go. I just need to pack."
" Okay, great. How about while you pack I will order dinner. Any suggestions?"
"  Mexican." I say before running up the stairs.

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