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I hurry and eat my burger, so Nicole and I can talk in private. She pulls me into the hallway, which is filled with some tech guys working on the show for tonight. " What's going on?" I whisper so only she can hear. She takes a deep breath, then looks down so she can avoid eye contact. " Nikki, seriously what is going on?"

She looks and frowns" I don't wanna upset you with what I am about to tell you."

" Okay is it about Seth and Paige for Christmas?" I ask, but when I say, Seth, she looks mad.

" Sorta."

" Ok, well what's sorta?"

" I hope I don't regret saying, but I think it's for the best..... Seth made a move on me."

" What?" I ask in such disbelief.

" I know, I just didn't wanna ruin your friendship or his relationship with Paige-"

" No, don't try to flip it. "

" Roman, what?" She asks as he tries to comfort me, but I quickly move. " What are you talking about?" She asks taking deep breaths between each word.

" When I told Seth about the baby, he told me to watch out for you. He told me that at first, you are going to blame yourself, then you will start blaming me. You would blame me for something being wrong with my sperm or something stupid like, so you would do anything to get pregnant anything with anyone. So let me guess you came on to Seth, and he denied you and you thought you could flip it, but guess what he already told me about you, and you're a fraud. " Her mouth drops at my words of truth. " Don't act shock, I knew it would be only a matter of time before you tried to get pregnant again with anyone but me."

" Your insane." She tells me.

" No, I'm just being honest. But I don't wanna deal with you tonight. So you have the keys for the car, I will drive with the usos tonight." I say as I start to walk away.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now