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Nikki and I are backstage as we wait to be introduced by the host. The conversations has been full but meaning less, because I know there is something wrong but I don't wanna keep bothering her about it. But then again I don't want her to be angry at me for not asking.
" Hey." I say walking up from behind. She looks me over first before responding.
" Hi." She somewhat whisper. I just squint my eyes of confusion.
" Alright, you guys our on in 20." An assistant who walks black with a clipboard says to us.
" Thank you."Nikki says adjusting her champion belt.
" Alright! Now everyone let's give a warm welcome to the new smackdown women's champion Nikki Bella and the new wwe world heavy weight champion Roman Reigns." We over hear the host says and the audience claps follow.
" Go." The assistant says. Nikki and I walk out to the clapping even louder. Nikki and I hug both Michelle and William the host. As Nikki and I take our seats the clapping dials down.
" Thank you for having us." NIkki says smiling with ear to ear. Gosh, she's such a natural at this.
" No, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and visit us." William says fixing his tie.
" Now, last time was so inspiring and I am sure we can all agree on that." Michelle says." To see you come back from your neck injury Nikki, and to win that championship was amazing."
" Thank you." Nikki says playful showing off her champion belt.
" But how's your leg?" William ask. " We saw you limping up the ramp and nobody said anything about your injury we have no idea how bad it is. Could you give us a little insight?"
" Uh yes... Thanks for asking. I don't really know either what's up with my leg, but I have an appointment after this. It hurts but I don't think it's that serious. There is nothing ice can't solve." NIkki says trying to seem calm, and ends her statement with a laugh. And the rest of us somehow laugh with her.
" And Roman you must have been very worried." William says.
" Yea, I was. Because I still had to compete that night and the whole time I was thinking about her. But I got the job done and that leads us here."
" Aw!" The audience and Michelle says. Nikki slides her hand in mind as I look down at her." but let's move out of the ring. A little Birdie told me that that you two we're getting married in August. How does that feel?"
" It feels amazing." Nikki says." I am really happy to walk down to him. I just have some last minute wedding planning to do." As Nikki speaks it feels like she doesn't mean it.
" Yes, I am very blessed." I say kissing her on the check.
" So how about babies?" Michelle awkwardly ask.
" Um... yes. Roman already have 3 beautiful children from his previous relationship, but we definitely wanna add more to the nest. "
" So once you have kids, is that going to be a goodbye to wrestling." Michelle ask Nikki.
" Um.... I don't know. I can always return but right now wrestling is my priority but that can always change." Nikki says.
" Alright, we will be back after the break. Next we will be discussing workouts on the road with Nikki and Roman.You don't want to miss it." William says.
After the interviews Nikki goes backstage and I follow her from behind.
" Hey, you were great back there." I whisper in her ear.
" Thanks." She says walking faster as if she was almost running from me.
" Hey, Nikki do you wanna talk?" I look in her big brown eyes and I know there is something up.
" Roman are you.... Nevermind. I have to go I am already late for my appointment." She then closes the door in my face.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now