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I hang up the phone after saying goodbye to Brie, and I find myself sitting in the corner trying not to cry but asking myself the question out loud " Do I want to marry Roman?" I know the answer already but I just afraid to say it out loud. I get up off the floor and wipe the dust off my black silk robe before opening the door, once I do I say his name " Roman." But I stop because he is no longer in the room. " Roman!" I yell again as I walk out of the open door, but there is no answer. " What the hell?" I whisper to myself.
After looking for him around I realize the front door is not locked. " Did he leave?" I ask myself as I roll my eyes, I can't deal with this right now. I grab one of the car keys that rested on the key hook by the door and walked out only to be surprised to see Roman sitting on the steps of house as it starts to rain. He looks behind him to see me but doesn't say anything. " I've been calling your name for like 20 minutes." I say as take a seat next to him in the rain.

" I know I just wanted to clear my head."  He says, as he turns his head I can tell he have been crying.

" Of me?"

" I just wanted to be prepared for your answer. I can't deal with being alone, Nicole, you are all I have. My family don't call anymore, I barely see my kids and my best friend just stabbed me in the back. " He says as he starts to cry and put his hoodie up. This affects me because I start to cry as well. It's also very strange for me because normally I am the one crying and Roman is comforting me, and then it hits me he is a really good guy, I mean sure he does some stupid things but he is a really good guy. " I am sorry for leaving, I think I am ready, have you made your choice yet?"

" Yeah." I say wiping my tears but changing my answer. " Roman... I'm staying. But it's going to be a lot of work but you are worth it."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now