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After Roman tells me how he feels about our recent actives in bed, I quickly try and defuse the situation by agreeing on what he asked me. " Yea, of course I will go to dinner with you." I respond.

" And you are to eat a meal?"

" Yes." I say as I wrap my tan arms around his strong neck. He brings me closers to his body as he wraps his arms around my waist.

" Thank you. This means a lot to me. And to prove it I will even let you pick out my tie."

" Oh what an honor." I say as I kiss him. " I'll meet you at the car in 20 minutes."

" Sound great." He says as he walks away.

As I get closer to the female talent locker room, I feel someone walking directly behind me. I can tell it's a male by his height and body odor. I don't wanna give off the feeling that I am scared, but I make the dumb mistake of turning into a dim hallway, with some older equipment that's probably hasn't been used in days. The figure stills follow me, but I now turn around. " Why are you..." I stop talking to see it's someone I know. " Seth?" I ask. It's kinda awkward because I haven't really talked to Seth since that whole thing went down with Aliyah and him at the hotel.

" Hey, Nikki." He says." I didn't mean to startle you." He says. " I just came to say sorry."

" For?"

" Roman told me, about the whole baby situation. I know how much you must be hurting, so Paige and I wanna invite you to spend Christmas with us this year."

" Oh. Yea. That seems nice. I just have to talk to Roman about it, but it seems fun."

" Alright, cool." He says. He then leans in for a hug, which is a little to close for comfort. I try to let go but he stills hugging me.

" Well, I think Roman is waiting for me." I tell him.

" Oh, right. My bad. I'll see you around Bella. Take care of yourself. " He says as he leaves the hug then leaves me in the dim hallway.

After wasting 5 of my 20 minutes on Seth, I quickly hopped in the showers and put some new clothes on to meet Roman outside.

When I get there I see Roman waiting outside the car in 40 degrees weather. " There you are, I was getting worried." He says to me as he reaches to get my luggage. I don't say anything back, because I am pretty upset that he told Seth about the baby. Once he returns from putting my luggage in the back he looks at me as I sit in silence in the front passenger seat. " Did I do something?"

" I thought we weren't going to say anything. But turns out you decide to tell Seth."

He looks sad as he sits there breathing hard in sorrow. " I'm sorry, Nikki. I really am. It slipped when I was on the phone with him."

" I get it, but don't do again."

" I won't... I promise. But when did you talk to Seth?"

" Like 15 minutes ago."

" He called you?"

" No.. I ran into him inside and him and Paige invited us over for Christmas."

" Oh wow.  I didn't even know Seth was here, he didn't tell me."

" He probably had a meeting with the producers." I say.

" Yeah." Roman says agreeing with me. " So did you pick what color my tie will be tonight?"

" How about that blue one?"

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now