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I sit in makeup along with Becky and Naomi as everything seems like a rush. Today... Wrestlemania was supposed to the best day of my life but it's not even close. Last night was super awkward when I got back to Roman and my hotel room he was there, and normally he will leave. But I guess he standing his ground. I would have got a new room but every hotel room has been booked. So we just stayed in the room didn't say a single word to each other, and I cried myself to sleep.
When we woke up he acted like I didn't even exist I didn't even get a good morning or a hello. I didn't even want to ride with him to the stadium, so I rode with Becky and Nattie instead it was good to just get away from this situation.
" Oh hey, Brie." Nattie says I look behind me to see Brie with Birdie.
" Hey Nattie." Brie then looks at me. " Hey, Nicole can I talk to you?"
" Yea, sure." I pick up my hat off the table and walk with her. We find a little hallway that nobody was using. " So what's up?"
" Umm.... I came here to say say sorry."
" Then say it." I say putting on my hat waiting for an answer. Brie slightly rolls her eyes at me.
" Nikki I am sorry."
" For?"
" For exposing you to Roman. It wasn't my place to do that."
" Yeah, your right. Do you know how upsetting it is to imagine today? And it's going nothing the way I expected it to. I imagine Roman and I walking hand and hand into this stadium today, but I didn't even get a good morning from him let alone a kiss. And by the way, if you had a secret with Daniel I would let you tell him. So I expect the same thing. Let me make my bed and lie in it too. Okay?"

" Yea, I get it."

" Alright, thanks for the apologies. That one burden I can get off my shoulder and keep my mind clear for this match."

" Yea, no problem. Good luck out there."

" Thanks." I walk-off making my way into the gorilla but right before I see him standing and talking with some of his friends and family. " Calm down, let's just focus on this match. Keep your worries tucked away."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now