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I unlock the car doors as I hear Nikki's heels click against the dark concrete of the parking lot. She opens the door and once in and seated she takes a deep breath. " Hey, you should have told me you were ready,  I would have met you at the front."

" Oh, it's fine. I need the exercise anyway... Today was not my cheat day and I had to much bread today." We both share laughter before Nikki outs her leather seatbelt on and I pull off.

" Hey, can you drop me off to Paige place and I will take an Uber back?"

" No, but I will drop you off and wait for you. I don't want anything happening to you."

" Ugh, why are you so good to me?" Nikki says playfully rolling her eyes.

once arriving at Paige apartment Nikki gets out of the car, but then turns back to me. " Come inside. I don't know how long this will take." She says to me before closing the door.

" Okay." I say nodding my head. We walk to the apartment complex holding hands. The door man let us in and once in the elevator Nikki put in the PIN number to let us in into the apartment.

 The door man let us in and once in the elevator Nikki put in the PIN number to let us in into the apartment

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" This shouldn't take long. You can take a seat if you want." Nikki says heading into one of the backrooms. Which I know is code for this should take long, because Nikki has no idea where she is going or looking for.
after sitting down for about 15 minutes, I get the feeling of dehydration and make my over to the kitchen. The first thing I see is some bottles of water, so I take one. When I close the fridge I see Nikki waiting behind the door.
" You scared me. How long were you waiting there?"
" Not even a minute." She says. " Are you ready to go? I got everything I need." When I look down I see a few things for the baby and Paige's purse. But most importantly I see Nikki's face, as if she is trying to hide her true feelings. I know this gotta be hard for her because of our situation. And I wanna tell her about the surgery, but I don't wanna get her hopes up and it doesn't work out.
" Hey, how about we get some dessert and then come back here and finish what we started in the car." I say kissing her neck but she backs up and puts her free arm out and my chest.
" That's sounds nice, but we should get back home. Brie is waiting for us."
" Well, I am sure Brie is mad at both of us, and would rather not see either one of us tonight. Plus the apartment is closer to the hospital then the house is. Also I am kinda hungry, and want some dessert."
" Fine, but it has to be donuts."
" What else would it be."
Author's question: Should Roman tell Nikki about the surgery or leave her in the dark?

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