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I see the tears in Nicole face, and I decide that this has been going on way too long. And I can't help but smile.
" What's so funny?" She says as she waves the earring in my face.
" Nicole... baby come here."
" No!" She says running from and heading to bathroom.
" Nicole." I say continue to laugh.
" What's so funny? I will walk out on you."
" Wait." She finally listen and I am able to turn her around. I point to the dresser at the beeping red dot.
" Is that a camera? Why is there a camera in here? Roman I want answers, Now!"
I look into her eyes for a second before answering her. Baby... this was a prank. Everyone come up." She turns around and see all the girls and the guys looking at us.
" What, I am so confused?"
Dean comes from the crowd and walks up to us. " So about 4 weeks ago, Roman called me up, and was like wanna make an unforgettable bachelorette party for Nicole. So he was asking me for ideas, and I was like ' No!' Because they all literally sucked. So I told him not to worry and I will take care of it. So about a week later I called Jimmy and Jey. And told them about this prank that I wanted to pull. And they told Naomi, she told all the girls but Brie. The prank was to see your reaction. So I set up camera at all the locations we were going to be at including your bachelorette party to get the full reaction."
Nikki then turns to me. " Wait, you were on to this? When?"
" Um... not until you asked to come back home. Dean told me then about the prank."
" Why so late?"
" Because Dean had to tell Daniel, plus I was about fly back to Napa."
Daniel then leaves Brie's side and walks up to us. " Yea, Dean was scared to say anything because he was afraid I might have told you. But when I found I was happy to prank you, after all the things you but me through since being your brother in law."
" Whatever, Daniel. " Nikki says.
" Wait, why did no one tell me?" Brie says.
" Because you would have ruined the surprise." Nia says.
" But how about the video?" Nikki ask.
" We ask our server at the bar, to record Roman speech and post it on his page. For $200 dollar. To make it appear to go viral, and we knew it would."
" Then who's earring is this?"
" Oh... We bought it at the gift shop. It looked expensive." Jimmy says
" Well, let's say, Nicole didn't get on the plane?" Brie asks.
" Nia would call me." Dean responds. " And Roman would have to text her. And soon enough she would have to come. Anymore questions, Nicole?"
" No... I am just in shocked. I was ready to cancel my wedding tomorrow. And you were about to get unfollowed Dean."The whole room laugh. " I am just glad this is not true."
" No, Nicole, I don't hate you that much. " Dean says giving her hug. " Well everyone says goodbye to the camera. With some edits this I going to be the best wedding present ever."

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