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Even though today is an off day, it doesn't mean its a cheat day

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Even though today is an off day, it doesn't mean its a cheat day. So I still have to work out, especially since Jojo is coming over today. Which means my diet consist of Jelly Beans and Cotton candy.

The gym is pretty vacant besides a few other local people using it. But they left a few minutes ago, now it's just me, which is kinda cool because it's like my own gym.

I do a few more bench press when I hear my phone start to ring. I set the weights down immediately in a safe spot, and make my way to go grab my phone. I see that's it Roman and grab it immediately.

" Hey, is everything okay?"

" Yeah, I was just calling to tell you I am picking up the children now, I will be back in about an hour or less."

" Okay, but remember don't them I am here. I wanted to be a surprise."

" Okay. Well, I'll see you when I get home. Love you."

" Love You too." I say back then hangs up. I then notice that it is almost noon, and I have an conference call with Brie at 12:30 so I have to getting going soon.

As I am walking back to my car, I behold Randy leaning against it. " Umm... What are you doing?" I ask with a major attitude.

" Waiting for you?"

" Well, I have to go. So make it quick?"

" Nikki, Don't piss me off."

" Why?"

He points to his eye. " Because of this. I will press charges on him, Nikki don't play with me."

" Fine, what do you want?"

" Get, in my car." He points to the car behind him.

" Why?"

" Just do it." He lashes out. I follow his directions mainly because I didn't have any other choice. Once he gets in, he starts to pull off then lock the door.

" Randy, What are you doing?"

" Calm down Nikki, I just wanna talk."

After a few minutes of silence, we pull into this parking garage. He goes all the way to the very top, then finds a parking spot.

" So, I suppose you told Roman." He says.

" Yes, he knows. That is also why I got a black eye. But what did you wanna talk about?"

" Us." He says as he places his large manly hand on my thigh.

" Randy, there is no us." I say, Remove his hands off me. " Plus, I thought you were done with me after your bachelorette party."

" I am... I was."

" Then what changed, what changes in 9 months that you had to screw up my life again."

" Everything but at the same time nothing. My love for you never died, but was easy to hide because you were not in my face all the time because of the neck. Then the night before Summer Slam, I saw you and Roman laughing on the roof at the hotel. It was as if you brought instant depression to me. I don't enjoy anything now, besides you. And I know I was wrong to confront you at your party, but I am really sorry. Please leave Roman and I'll leave Kim. We good be a serious power couple?"

I take a deep breath before responding. " I'll think about it."

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