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I am backstage chilling talking to Dean and Truth as we debate what's the best food place to hit after our show, but for now, we can't agree on anything. Suddenly, two cold hands touch my biceps and I just assume it is Nikki. I look down to sadly be mistaken it's not Nikki, but aliyah.

"Aliyah!?" I ask being shocked because I thought she was on raw. " What are you doing, I thought you were on raw?"

" I am, but I can talk to you?"

" Uh... Yea." I say looking around. I say bye to the guys and follow Aliyah to a corner by the make up section.

" Is everything okay?"

" Yeah, everything is perfect. But I do have one question." She says putting her index finger over her lip.

" Fire away."

" What we're you doing in Randy's room last night?" She asks me, and then I realized that she was the female in his bed.

I disappointingly shook my head. " Why, Aliyah"

" Why, what?"

" Why would you be with him?"

" Because after you rejected me, I was desperate, and he gave me a shoulder to cry on."

"Lets, get one thing straight, I didn't reject you. I already had a girlfriend at that time."

" Well, you could have two." She said seductively rubbing my arms. I instantly back up, but that doesn't stop her. " I mean imagine playing with the two of us at once." She says licking her lip, as try to kiss me. If I didn't have much respect for women, I would have pushed her off. But I didn't have to before I know, Nikki grabs Aliyah by her hair and throws her on the ground. " What the hell?" Aliyah says.

" Stay away from man, bitch." Nikki says, which I gotta admit turned me on.

Aliyah gets up and looks like she is about to cry. " Whatever, I'll tell Randy." She threatens.

" I don't care who you tell." Nikki says as she stares down Aliyah until she is out of our sight. Nikki then turns around and kisses me.

" How did you know?"

" Truth and Dean found me and told me, that Aliyah wanted to talk to and it seemed like she was up to no good."

" Well, they were right." I say. I then remember that Nikki and I are in a slight argument, and I should probably leave. " Hey, I'm going to go." I say before I start walking, but after taking two steps Nikki aggressively grabs my arm and pulls me back to her. She then jumps on me and starts to kiss me, and of course, I kiss her back.

" I... Am.... So... Sorry." She says between the kiss. " The words I said to were so harsh and mean, and I feel so horrible. Please forgive me."

" You know I already have." I say as I kiss her again.

" Oh... Baby... I... Don't... Deserve... You." She says as we finish our kiss. " Well, let me make it up to you. How can I make it up to you?"

" I just want you to be happy, so could you join me for dinner tonight and then after we could enjoy a bottle of your favorite wine in the tub together."

" Of course. That sounds perfect."
Happy Thanksgiving!

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