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After returning from dinner the girls all spread out into their own litter quarters of the house, besides Nikki who looks likes she deep in thought in the kitchen she looks out of the window. But she was just all laughter and smiles at dinner.
" Hey, Nicole, you good?" I ask as I playful hit her with my clear glass water bottle to get her attention.
" Yea, I will be." She says. " Thanks for asking."
" Yea, no problem. If you need anything just let me know." I see her nod her head before I make my way up the creaky wooden stairs on the lake house.
" Actually, Nia." She says making me stops in my tracks and turn around. " I am going to call Roman tonight, and I want someone else there."
" Why not Brie, she is your sister?"
" No, I want someone neutral. You're his cousin and your my friend, so I thought it would be more neutral. You don't have to do it, I would just really appreciate it."
" Oh yeah definitely."
When we get to Nikki's room we both sit on her bed before she picks up the phone and dials Roman. I can tell she is really nervous because of the way she is shaking and her uncomfortable blinking as if she is about to cry.
" Hello?" Roman says after the third ring sounding as if he was sleep or near the point of pass out drunk.
" Hey." Nikki says as keep twirling her hair with her left-hand index finger.
" I tried calling and texting like gazillion times." Roman says sounding pretty upset. " I was getting concerned about you." He mumbles with a softer tone.
" oh we were at the lake all day, and then dinner. I left my phone here to charge."
" Okay, well next time just let me know next time." Roman says as if he is her dad. " Well.... are you by your self?"
" Yes." Nicole lies to him as she looks at me to be totally silent. But not only do I get quite but I also do the conversation. On each line, you can hear the next breath.
" I don't know what to say to you, Nicole." Roman says.
" Well, how about an apology." She says trying to stop the tears and give the illusion that's she not crying. I just rub her back to show that I am here for you.
" I don't know what I am apologizing about Nicole... I just wanted to be honest and truthful with you. Because I don't see the point of being in a dishonest relationship."
" Well, I appreciate your honesty but at the end of the day, I would have rather have you lied to me. Because how would you feel if I just came and out and said ' I love John' it wouldn't be fair to you and you would be very hurt. Because after everything we have been through I still love another man. And that's how I feel right now." Nicole explains to him, making him stop speaking for a little while as he tries to have an appropriate response.
" Actually, Nicole, it's a total difference. He was just your boyfriend for nearly five years. But with Galina and I she was my first love, we were married, and we have kids together. And no disrespect that is something you and John didn't have. Plus, when I revealed that I still loved her, it seemed as if you already knew."
" Because I could speculate all-day but when it left your mouth it made it true."
" That's the whole thing, Nicole, I wanted to put everything out in the open. So there are no more secrets. So why on earth would I keep my biggest secret away from you? Because let's say I didn't tell you this secret until our honeymoon or even worse when you're nine months pregnant with our baby.  You would probably be angry at me and asked how long I knew. And when I told you the truth you would walk away with our child or children. And there goes another failed marriage. But the way I see it is I told you now so if you wanted to you could walk away with no casualties." Roman explains, and I think at that point both Nicole and I know he has a point.
" Well since you wanna speak the truth so much. Is there anything else you wanna put out there?"
" Yes." He says. " But I wanna tell you face to face, person to person."
" No, just tell me now." She requests from him.
" Nicole, that's not a good idea. Let me just tell you when you get back from your vacation."
" Why can't you tell me now?"
" Because If I tell you over the phone you can hang up on me, and never speak to me again. But if I tell you, in person, you can't run away from me. "
" Fine, I will be back on Monday. I'll text you my flight information and you can pick me up from the airport."
" Okay, love you, Nicole." He announces through the phone.
You can tell she wants to say it back but is too afraid to so instead she just hangs up. She puts her phone back on her charger before giving me a hug.
" You were amazing." I tell her trying to make her feel better.
" Thank you." She says in return before I leave her room.
As I walk down the hallway to my room, I know one thing is true and that is their love for each other. Because Roman and Nicole would have called it quits by now if they did not truly love each other. And that is how I know they are going to make it, I don't know how long it will take but it will happen and when it does it will be beautiful.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now